After the Covid-19 crisis: what will happen?

by Gorbatchov 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Things will recover. We've been through worse and came out on the other side just fine. I do suspect that the next time on of these potential pandemics are identified, the world will react much quicker now that we have a road map. This year will be a challenge for many but I've witnessed some really encouraging behavior with people looking out for one another.

    This too say pass

  • Simon

    People will go back to work, we'll restart our economies and recover economically. We'll need to wrestle some control back from governments who will be reluctant to give up their new powers. Canada especially is overreaching.

    We'll also need to trim the fat of government - while the rest of us lose jobs and companies shrink, government employees will face no cuts and no reductions and no impact to their over-promised pensions while those expected to pay for it all will suffer. People won't put up with it.

    People won't pay any notice to the attention seekers wailing about their gender pronoun nonsense or to the climate change bed wetters who claimed that was an "existential crisis" because we've now seen what a real one is and it's nothing like (but expect them to push that is was all caused by climate). People should question why their models don't change even though the worlds industrial output fell dramatically and suddenly.

    We'll possibly think sports and entertainment are less valuable after doing without them and put more value on hard work and people involved in supply chains and healthcare. Does anyone really miss celebrities? Oscars? Or did we watch that drivel because it's what we were fed?

    Education will be changed. People will realize that you can be educated at home, over the internet, without having to accrue huge debt. Even student textbooks - people will realize that a Pdf costs very little, and there's zero need to be paying hundreds of dollars for a book written and pushed by the person also charging you for the course.

    We'll realize that borders were a damn good idea and trading with shit-hole countries of filthy abusive backward people is "not good". We will think about decimating their economy and strengthening our own by buying locally produced goods.

    We'll all learn that there is value in self-sufficiency and having things put aside for a rainy day vs living on the edge financially. This should extend to governments who can't be spending every dime when times are good so the debt levels are already high when we hit turbulence.

  • Gorbatchov

    Correct, Simon! I think the same.


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    After all the seclusion, I think they'll be a surge in businesses of all types once people are free to go out again.

    People will have a renewed sense of appreciation for what they have and for one another. A lot of the millennial will have learned a valuable lesson in doing without, being prepared and coping with less than desirable circumstances.

    Families will realize for example, that it's fun to bake bread together even though it's easier to go out and buy it. Young people will realize that older people with real life skills should be appreciated more than those who are looked upon as "kool" for being savvy about things related to pop culture. They'll learn how to cope with difficulty by the example set by the older members of their families who are behaving sensibly.

    Before the 70's "energy/oil crisis", as a rule you'd drive into a gas station and receive routine service from a uniformed attendant who would run out and pump your gas, wash your windshield and check your oil. All of that was thrown out the window when people were desperate to get gasoline and didn't care about the niceties. Now that we're willing to accept bare bones service, I think we may be seeing more of this from now on. For example, the airlines may not reinstate inflight meal service.

    I think there will be an upsurge in the stock market when people calm down and realize that it's smart to invest when the market is low, rather than pull their money out.

    In terms of JW's, because they've had a chance to get away from the regular doses of "inculcation" and because once again a crisis situation has passed without the world coming to an end, I think a lot of them will be more willing to "flesh out " their once repressed thoughts about the religion. They'll start seeing situations such this current one, as isolated incidents that have been taking place since the beginning of time and have nothing to do with one another.

    They'll listen to their inner voices about who these men in New York really are. They may for the first time be able to say out loud to one another that there's something off about Steven Lett and they may begin to view him as the "Boy who cried" WOLF" once too often.

    How do I know this ??

  • TheWonderofYou

    4 Future scenarios in a Whitepaper "the Corona Effect" of the German ZukunftsInsitute

    Total isolation

    System crash



    I like the part that the local economy will again be strengthend which will lead to jobs!

    All the Best!

  • Vanderhoven7

    After the crisis I think there will be a new respect for teachers and people will be glad to get the weight of educational responsibilities off their shoulders.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I predict a baby boom around December 2020! (What else you gonna do when your confined to your own home with your wife or girlfriend

    just saying!

  • Simon
    I predict a baby boom around December 2020! (What else you gonna do when your confined to your own home with your wife or girlfriend

    They will be the generation known as "Coronials"

    There will likely be peaks of births, divorces and suicides ... not necessarily all for the same people.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Vidiot - "I am Humungus, ruler of the waistlands".


  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Maybe we will be able to thow off the privately owned, dept based system of curency issue and the near invisible parasites that run it.


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