She could have bought an ice cream cone . . .
A Little Girl's Coins . . .
by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends
Any sensations one may feel from this experience are from Satan. Imagine the empty, wasted life these individuals must feel deep, way down inside. Imagine if they had just invested all that effort sitting behind table hacking the latest WT publications for fifty years, not earning a single disciple? All the wasted years!
Village Idiot
A lifetime's worth of entertainment in ten minutes.
Those 2 vids brought tears to my eyes thanks guys I loved them.
This put a lump in my throat. What would we do without the Arts and creativity?
compound complex
Dear IronSharpensIron, Spoleta, Village Idiot, and smiddy:
Yes, a lump in the throat, a tear in the eye, and the hope of what we yet may do.
With gratitude . . .
Doubtfully Yours
Loved it.
Spoletta , could you imagine Arts and Creativity in a paradise (?) earth with Jehovahs Witnesses ?
The mind boggles.
I think I would rather be in hell ,how about you.
compound complex
Yes, the mind boggles . . .
Thanks for sharing CC.
Without the Arts and creativity, life would be so boring and meaningless.