Sometimes, an image is just so, so, so over the top in its absurdity, it crosses the line to become almost charming.
The image of Jesus' 1st century disciples walking about with "service bags", carrying scrolls from door to door, is one of those. Just so delightfully anachronistic.
Another one is how the Watchtower keeps referring to the apostles Peter, Andrew, etc. having a "fishing business". As if there were so many career options for Galilean peasants in the first century.
"So, Andrew, what do you think? Maybe we should get into middle management? Maybe we could start a small consulting business. I know someone who has started selling mutual funds, but maybe REITs would be a better option. Wait - I've got it! We'll start a commercial fishing enterprise!"
"Peter, that's brilliant! I'll get started on the paperwork to initiate us as an LLC."
Oh, does anyone remember the drama from several years back - one of the last "live action" convention dramas before "video killed the arm-waving star". It was about the 1st century Christians getting ready to flee Jerusalem. One of the scenes was (I $#!+ you not) a "congregation secretary" sitting at a table compiling a "field service report" and remarking about the "increased activity of the congregation" recently. Just