How My Date Went

by Robdar 30 Replies latest social relationships


    hi rob. being the shallow person that i am, i'm going to ask an important question.

    did he look like a young or old clint?

  • expatbrit


    How's it going, girlfriend? Sorry, couldn't resist. But seriously, I wouldn't be too uptight about that. It was said in front of another guy, and was (a) a good way of warning him off from horning in and (b) a good way of preserving and enhancing some guy-cred (aren't men deeeeep?)

    As for the beer, how much is a lot? Are we talking a few pints, or did the restaurant have a Budweiser tanker pulled up outside? From experience, guys tend to drink quite a lot on first dates because we're nervous as hell too, and there's nothing like taking a drink of something to cover pauses in the conversation.

    The lack of intellectual conversation? Um...well....he is male, you know! This could be a problem, but then again, maybe he's thinking the same about you, hey? Perhaps after a few more dates, when things aren't so tense, you'll both loosen up enough to start really talking about your respective intellectual interests. It's a bit tough for a guy on a first date to admit that he enjoys Puccini, especially when there's a rival sniffing around.

    Best of luck with the next date!


  • Brummie

    Now Robdar, that wasnt so bad was it? You worried to much (((R)))

    Well he was proud to introduce you as his girlfriend, if you hadnt made a good first impression he wouldnt have introduced you as such. You were a boost to him and he felt good about you. Take credit when its due, you were a success for him.

    I'm looking out for my friend so I would be concerned about the drinking thing, but maybe he is ony drinking so much out of lonliness, its been a year since he dated last? Hmm drinking is a social thing so maybe its tied to his loneliness. Discuss drinking with him indirectly if you meet up again.

    Let us know how things go, there are plenty more fish in the sea if this one doesnt sound right for you. You deserve the best.

    All the very best


  • arrowstar

    Congratulations on surviving that first step back into the dating world. It's a big one and you made it. There will be many more and each one will get easier. ((Robdar))

    I do have a concern about the "girlfriend" remark. That's jumping to a conclusion and assuming that you want to be his girlfriend. On a first date? No no no!! He wasn't saying that to "impress his friends". It's what he wants to happen. Isn't it enough that he is out with a lovely woman? Why the "girlfriend" comment? And the joking about marriage? He wasn't joking.

    I agree with the others about his drinking. If you noticed's a problem. A problem that will only get worse with time.

    Be particular. Never settle. And remember..."if it don't work, jest git a'nuther"


  • ThiChi

    If two "Red Flags" went up in your mind, then rethink your situation with him...........

  • Sentinel

    Robdar, it's so difficult isn't it? But, we do have to really LOOK at someone to determine if they are worth the investment of our time.

    My antenna would have shot right up with the drinking. Also, the fact that he introduced you the way he did. I'd give him another chance and tell him up front what you are thinking. Also, if you are really interested in him as far as a real relationship, ask lots of questions of others that know him.

  • SixofNine

    t'hell wit'im!!!

    If this guy looks like Clint Eastwood and is so smitten that he is thinking marriage on the first date, I have no doubt that the next guy will look like Sean Connery and only want to romance you in exciting and expensive ways for a suitable length of time before he inevitably wants to marry you. It's just the way things go.

    Six~ wink class

  • Reborn2002

    Interesting Robdar.

    May you have many more dates which bring you limitless joy. You aren't a JW anymore, so you can take your time to make sure you find the right one.

  • Reborn2002

    LOL @ Six.

    Yes, Robdar evidently has unparalleled luck with men.

    Perhaps her next date after that will be Mel Gibson who only wants to lavish her with expensive gifts and be her male sex slave. Or perhaps Brad Pitt will fall hopelessly in love with her and forsake all of his material possessions in order to win her affection.

    Just teasing ya Rob.

  • rocketman

    Isn't it nice being able to go on a date without having to think about 'marriage prospects'?

    It sounds like a nice date, nothing great but not a dud either. I'd flag that beer consumption too. And his joke about marrying you....hmmmm, all depends on what context and tone of voice he used.

    Of course, a date with me would have been more fun.

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