How do you get out of watchtower? Am i supposed to write letter to bethel or local congregation telling them i don't want to be a JW anymore? How are the steps. I'm a believer. I believe as soon gt starts, this org is gone. Wanna get out before that. Personal opinion. If you don't think same it's okej.
How get out of watchtower?
by Hellothere 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Got family members in?
If so, you must count the cost of submitting a letter of disassociation.
There is no necessity to do anything. You are your own person. Do what you wish to do.
If you do not want to be part of the organization any more, you can simply stop going to meetings or any other activities/get-togethers. If you are a baptized publisher, I assume they will send an elder to check up on you, and possibly a committee if you express your desire to leave.
You can write a letter if you want, but it's not necessary.
How do you get out of watchtower?
Fade away.
Am i supposed to write letter to bethel or local congregation telling them i don't want to be a JW anymore?
If you don't want every JW on the face of the planet to shun you then this is a terrible idea.
Just make yourself gradually more scarce at meetings. Do not tell them your real thoughts. Just drift away.
Th best part is having the intellectual freedom to reexamine your beliefs. You may be surprised how much of your beliefs are simply products of WT indoctrination.
I stopped going to meetings 6 years ago Been inactive. Have moved back to my hometown, and jws from congregations in this town know I'm back. Former city i went to meetings a couple of times, i didn't knew anyone in congregation, was easy to fade.Got mother in. She goes mostly to meetings to meet friends. Don't think she would care if I'm in or out. We would still have contact. I want it to be a close chapter if I meet JW friends out on the street. If someone ask me, i just tell them no more a JW. I think I gonna feel mentally better if I'm out. Org is a mental Hazzard -
Sounds like you know what you want to do. All you have to do is say, don't want it, don't need it, don't call me I'll call you. They may disfellowship you in absentia if they feel particularly vindictive like they did us but I imagine it's a little like someone "coming out of the closet". -
Well, if you are ready to close this chapter of your life, I would talk to your mother first and let her know you feelings and plans. Then I would write a disassociation letter saying you choose not to be a Jehovah's Witness and you want nothing to do with the organization from this day forward including visits from elders.
If elders call, tell them to read and follow the directions in your disassociation letter. There is nothing to discuss.
Congratulations by the way!
My wife and I stopped going to meetings in 1988 and sent in a letter in 1989. I now recognize that we had some advantages others did not. We were both converts and we no longer had close family and friends in the org. We sent a letter because we wanted everyone to know we did not believe the Watchtower. We've never regretted it.