Sorry to hear about your loss.
My mom died.
by noni1974 22 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry also for what the WT did to you and your family.
Hi Noni, I remember you. My condolences on the loss of your mother.
Was your mum a member of the forum?
Beings you posted here that your mum died, I think it has affected you more than you realize. Condolences.
Dear Noni, sorry for the loss of your mum. Perhaps you don't feel much now, but if you should start to have feelings later, please remember these condolences and caring thoughts.
Thinking of you. It’s terrible what they have done to our families. My sympathy.
Losing mom stirs up memories be them good or bad. Condolences and may she rest in peace.
Hi Noni , my Condolences on the loss of your Mom .
I'm British and , l suppose , a Royalist. I too feel very sad about the Queen's death . She was a constant in all our lives, the one person always " there " . I'm 66 and my own Mum died a few years ago .
Maybe seeing and hearing how loved Her Maj was by her children makes you sad that you didn't have that with your Mom .
It's probably had that effect on anyone whose relationship with a parent wasn't as they would have liked . You aren't on your own in that respect.
Well hello there.
Some time has passed since last.