For those of you that have not got my Book New Boy yet, it will be free for down load on Amazon books. You can down load it on your Kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
- Enjoy Keith
New Boy The Book is Free For The Next 30 Days
by The Bethelite 13 Replies latest jw friends
The Bethelite
How much does it cost if I buy the book?
I bought it and read it last week, great book. Since I bought it with 3 others, not sure of the cost. I hope to one day meet Keith and get it autographed.
Introvert 2
Good stuff Keith, will look into it but will pay. I'd hate to freeload like a JW hehe
Well hell!! I paid for it. Great reading. Finished it in 2 days I doubt a “never a JW” would enjoy it as much but great stuff for anyone in The Troof for years.
(Keith— lots of typos. Get a good editor before printing 2nd edition or your next book.)
Slidin Fast
On my kindle. It’ll be next read. Thanks for the freebie.
Muddy Waters
I paid for it too, but happy to support Keith and his hard work. It was a fascinating read, loved seeing behind the curtain! 👍🏼
Yes, there were some typos.
I'll get it and have a read. Do you have a Paypal account Icould send some money to?
Your 1st paragraph is Amazing!
Just finished reading the book. I got it for free on Amazon unlimited but later decided to buy the kindle version for 99 cents to have a permanent copy. It is jaw-dropping and eye opening. Thanks to the author for sharing his story.