HEY! Stop talking about the elders and their families!
"They MUST Be Witnesses"
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
the kingdom hall in my mother's town is right behind a McDonalds. guess what that place looks like on Sundays?
Dark Knight
I think we are all familiar with the "Pioneer Stroll"(TM)
Down-Under, we call this the "Pioneer Shuffle"
In California, we also called it the "Pioneer Shuffle"! It used to burn me up when they'd say not to follow fashion trends. I understand, from my youth on up, good sound information from my non JW mom........ don't be too trendy because fads go out of style, but never be out of style! I didn't listen to them. And when I got married to my first husband, my skirts were almost always above the knee!! I figured I'd use the 'headship" thing against the elders.......if they had something to complain about, "talk to the husband" and he always said, "Nope, she has good legs and I like to see them."
On the evening ministry once an old lady commented:
" Oh, your the people that have prayer meetings under lamposts, aren't you?"
Says it all really...
Geez!...I have uttered those very words....
....About the cleaning people at work.... the window washers I see suspended from the 24th floor.....dunno...for some reason, I just think to myself..."who else would choose that for a career!?!..The answer seemed soooo ummmm... obvious.....
Sheesh!...Did I say that out loud???
How about when you see a bunch of cleaners going to work with their suits and ties on?.........or, you hear a person, informally, ask another what they think of world conditions.
I remember last summer, I was downtown, and the district convention was in town. The ones that came from out of town, you could just tell.
It is instinct at this point to pick them out.