As experienced people, I need your assistance.
by bola 11 Replies latest jw experiences
After 8 years of being a baptized publisher, I disassociated myself officially last year. Now my parents are forcing me to be reinstated as a member again. It is being a while since I've visited this forum. My question now that I am no more with this religion, what are the consequences of being reinstated as one of jehovah's witnesses again now that I have disassociated from them for a year now? Please I need your replies.
Well as you know, while being disassociated you'll be treated exactly the same as a disfellowshipped person.
If you get re-instated you'll be "welcomed" back to the "loving" congregation.
Of course it'll be all fake and superficial. Do what you think is best.
Witness My Fury
Not worth the hassle unless there is a huge inheritance at stake. If your parents cant see their way past the cult bullshit propaganda to have a reasonable relationship with you without your having to jump thru bullshit cult hoops they arent really worth making any effort for.
nancy drew
Look at this from a different standpoint it's your life not your parents. Children are often very different from their parents and I think it is very selfish of parents to try to control or threaten them. You need to go out and have your life with or without them pay your own way make your own path. If they have the right heart you'll reconcile one day if not don't blame yourself. Find what makes you feel right and complete don't let them enslave you.
my parents are forcing me to be reinstated as a member again.
Are they holding a gun to your head?
Right now, you are no longer a member and not under authority of the Watchtower Society. To become reinstated, would be equivalent to a 'worldly' person becoming baptized as a JW.
JWs claim that baptism is an external display of a person's personal dedication to Jehovah and promise to fulfill his requirements as defined by the bible (as interrupted by his spirit directed earthly organization).
In reasoning with your parents, by being 'forced' to be a member only to satisfy them or another 'man' (wrong motives), that would not be to fulfill a dedication to god and would therefore be useless and unacceptable in god's eyes.
You do not "have" to do anything. Just say NO! What are tbey going to do tie you up, throw you in the boot, drive yoj to the KH and forcebyou to sit there.
First off, for reinstatement purposes you would need to meet with the elders who would want to know how you feel now probably several sessions, which, btw, you can also say NO to.
Now my parents are forcing me to be reinstated as a member again---------Bola
Bola, are you an adult?
In the WT's own words:
Watchtower, Feb 1st, 2012, page 19 in box :
“Witness parents strive to inculcate love for God in their offspring, just as the Bible commands them to. Nevertheless, they realise that WHEN A CHILD BECOMES AN ADULT, HE or SHE WILL MAKE A PERSONAL CHOICE WITH REGARD TO WORSHIP.”
Pete Zahut
My question now that I am no more with this religion, what are the consequences of being reinstated as one of jehovah's witnesses again now that I have disassociated from them for a year now? Please I need your replies.
If you are actually reinstated, it will be because they've determined that your current life is in line with what they deem as appropriate JW behavior. Once you are reinstated, you can resume the regular activities of a JW.
If your current lifestyle isn't in line with their requirements, before you will be "reinstated" you will have to demonstrate to them that you've changed it. A sufficient period of time will need to pass to make sure you are sincere. They will want you to admit that you recognize the Governing Body are God's spokesmen on earth and that your past course of life wasn't in line with their interpretation of Bible principles. They will want you to admit that your decision to disassociate was a mistake and you are repentant for having done so.
Bola , it's your own sanity that you have to control. You know what's best for yourself but it's a huge cost as to parental relations. The Jw church will extract all your free time and then this big guilt trip that they persuade . Again you know all the circumstances, all cults want full devotion.