Just like after decades of memorial partakers declining and now reversed. This Information Age might reverse the trend of Jw membership.
I think it's possible for a change of trend in JW growth
by Chook 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dont hold your breath about any real change happening soon Chook ,didnt the memorial attendance stagnate around the 8000 mark without ever going any lower for about 35 years ?
Things move faster now smiddy due to speed of information.
As long as the great and powerful GB and make looking at old light and apostate material "a sin" then people will stay indoctrinated. However, more and more outrageous things are being said on JWBroadcasting that im sure people are waking up but still arnt diving into JWFacts. Probably just bobbing along thinking when the GB die and are replaced by GB 2.0 they'll have a better religion. As tightpants Tony said this month "This is the best imperfect organization there is!"
I agree. I expect to see zero growth or an overall decrease in JWs this year or next. If they still publish the numbers.
The good news is that the witnesses who are best placed to send in donations in the developed world are leaving in droves. That means less dollars for the org. Most increase now comes from developing countries who dont have much spare money to send to headquarters.
With deep respect to Chook ... but there is absolutely zero chance that the Organization will grow ... absolutely zero. Its going to fall and begin falling very rapidly. And its due to only one thing ... the age demographics of the western world. We all know that the age profile of the Organization is about 10 years older than the local populations and when coupled with the fact of the low birth rate of Witnesses, it goes to underscore the current reality of the very real population decline. Don't believe me ... go look inside any Kingdom Hall in Europe or Australia ... and see that it's all ready just another a senior citizens club.
Don't believe me ... go look inside any Kingdom Hall in Europe or Australia ... and see that it's all ready just another a senior citizens club.
This is true. When i was still in and visited the congregation i grew up in they were 90% old people. I felt sorry for that one 20yo guy. No friends his own age, and who does he talk to at the KH? Old brother Joe?
No zombie , what I'm saying is Jw future growth looks very grim , as in no growth followed by declines
Chook ... sorry, perhaps I've misunderstood your post. In any case, I'm sure that what ever our Popes in Warwick will do or try ... it ultimately will have no impact on the collapsing number of the Brotherhood because of the biological forces occurring around us. The only thing they can do, though ... is speed up this decline by their stubborn refusal to grasp the idea that more and more people know that the society is just another high maintenance man-made religion ... and refusing to made meaningful changes to lighten the load from the rank and file.