I'm sure there are restaurants where he lives that are in need of dishwashers. That's about all the employment he will get from now on.
The Lloyd Evans Infamous "Photos" Are Being Circulated
by pale.emperor 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Do you remember Lulu?
She was the manager at Orchids of Asia Day Spa in West Palm Beach.
Remember this guy?
Robert Kraft. Age 80. Owner of the New England Patriots. Net worth over $8 BILLION
WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU GAVE ANY THOUGHT TO THAT "RUB & TUG SEX SCANDAL"? A long time, right? If you even remember the story at all and I bet you can't even state how long ago all that sh!t happened.
If a "sex scandal" involving a BILLIONAIRE NFL OWNER blows over (pun intended) in a manner of months and all charges dropped and evidence ordered to be destroyed, just how long and with what amount of "publicity" do you think this deal with Lloyd Evans is gonna matter? The answer is: NOT AT ALL.
Why? Because no one gives a sh!t about JW's (as long as they aren't getting awakened early on Saturday).
Those same people who don't give a sh!t about JW's, care even less about EX-JW's.
This simply is NOT "news worthy" to anyone except ex-JW's who know of the shaggy looking, long winded, narcissistic critic of WTS/JW's. (Actually Tony Morris III probably cares. He's probably laughing his ass off!)
So, don't be too disappointed in 30 days when even no one in the ex-JW community cares about this anymore.
(One thing I do think is noteworthy: Robert Kraft declined to make ANY comment on the allegations. Guess Billionaires are a little smarter than at least some ex-JW's.)
What a mess.
Credibility problem for planet xjw.
Credibility problem for planet xjw.
Not really. Credibility problems for one guy, and those who blindly follow him.
Don't be a follower, be a thinker.
WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU GAVE ANY THOUGHT TO THAT "RUB & TUG SEX SCANDAL"? A long time, right? If you even remember the story at all and I bet you can't even state how long ago all that sh!t happened.
That's because he doesn't come up as a topic that often, but when he does, you remember what he did.
Stop pretending this will all just blow over and go away. It won't. It's a smaller ecosystem than "news in general" which is what you're attempting to compare it to.
There will forever be an asterisk against his name, and a footnote to remind people.
Stop pretending this will all just blow over and go away.
Some was already selling T-shirts on reddit with Loyd and that girl's pic.
But it was pulled down.
You know humans!!!!!
I'm sure there are restaurants where he lives that are in need of dishwashers. That's about all the employment he will get from now on.
I was just thinking about that today. When I have a candidate I’m interested in hiring, I always Google their name to see if any red flags surface. This is common practice with hiring managers.
I don’t know anyone that would hire someone in a professional environment that has the digital footprint Lloyd Evans is going to have in relation to Thai prostitution.
The dude has very few career options now.
In french...
In english:
I highly doubt that his job as a JW criticizer is really in jeopardy. As long as he does just the JW stuff and shuts his mouth on anything else and stops digging his hole, many will just let it go. As I have said in other posts, my opinion is that he does a good job in presenting and his criticism and stays out of the weeds of Woke bull shit and stops talking about justifying his actions and just says its no one business and lets it go, he will do OK. As far as major orgs using him for testimony as in ICSA or BBC ect, that ship has sailed. But hell we had a president who used an intern as a humidor so who knows.