Norway: Society hires a Law Firm

by Festus 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Festus

    Well. Maybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.

    Funny I thought Jehoober would not need any help.

    Anyway here are the links


    Jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke Staten – Vårt Land (

    Law Firm

    Home - Advokatfirmaet Glittertind

  • Biahi

    Please donate, brothers and sisters, for this worthy cause! 🤣

  • FFGhost

    So if I’m following this correctly, correct me if I’m wrong, but…

    The WTS will be spending untold thousands or 10s of thousands of dollars (or the equivalent in krone) to try to coerce a government, that per their own teaching is under Satan’s control, into giving them free money?

    Do I have that right?

    Hoo boy, that takes a lot of of….something….to spin that into “oh how we are being persecuted”.

  • Festus
    FFGhost: Lord works in mysterious ways....
  • punkofnice
    ffg - Hoo boy, that takes a lot of of….something….to spin that into “oh how we are being persecuted”.

    The loyal Jobots will believe lies and propaganda the drunken child, I mean Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), will spew forth.

    Most of the rest of the world won't even be aware of what's happening.

    May the Tower fall!

  • markweatherill

    Philip Brumley is probably looking forward to being flown in as a special adviser or something, if he hasn't been struck off by then.

    I sure hope Jurgen Pederson gets his day in court and gets to declare 'This is Unconstitutional!' with some emphatic gestures.

  • Festus
    I sure hope Jurgen Pederson gets his day in court and gets to declare 'This is Unconstitutional!' with some emphatic gestures.

    Oh, that would REALLY make the day wouldn't it?

  • FedUpJW

    @Biahi - I vote yours as comment of the day.

    The WTS will be spending untold thousands or 10s of thousands of dollars to try to coerce a government into giving them free money?

    Well you know what they say. . .You gotta spend money to make money.

  • Vidiot

    Maybe they’re in so much trouble everywhere else that they need more lawyers.


  • Vanderhoven7

    Julie Vetter had this to add

    "The latest gb update highlighted what happened in Norway, and this sentence stuck out to me:

    “We received a letter that said Jehovah’s Witnesses would no longer receive certain state benefits that are provided to ALL registered religions” - TM3.

    Shouldn’t WT be celebrating when things like this happen? It establishes them as different from other religions right? From all the years I spent as a jw, I know for a fact that this is what was taught to me week in and week out. The publishers are supposed to be happy when Satan attacks them personally and they shouldn’t fight back. So why is this such a big deal for the organization? Why can’t they just sit back, do nothing, and wait on Jehovah like they're always telling the rank and file to do?

    It’s not like they’re being prevented from worshipping or anything. Last I checked they can still go preaching and go to the meetings.

    Oh that’s right, because money is involved. And lots of it. I remember someone famously said religion is a snare and a racket. In the words of Michael Scott “how the tables turn…”

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