In my final years as a Witness , I began to have doubts about all the Watchtower's claimed prophecies.
Example: Rev. 11 "God will bring to ruin those who ruin the earth". This is heralded as proof that men would be
polluting the earth "in the last days". This, I concluded, was utter nonsense. There is no proof whatsoever that John
was talking about industrial waste or smog - because industry didn't exist.
The "earth" was judged to be "ruined" in Noah's day because of violence. "Earth" meant land, or country - or the people
living on it - as with the Tower of Babel -- "now all the earth continued to be of one language".
This is fake prophecy because you are using the popular mental images of the 20th century - with spherical planets,
spacecraft, and smelters belching smoke and slyly connecting this with words like "earth" and "ruin". You have no
proof that pollution is the intended meaning - especially because the Bible says almost nothing about ecology or preserving
the environment - THOSE ARE 'WORLDLY' STANDARDS, things of little importance to Bible writers who apparently didn't
see any EXPLICIT need to worry about species extinction or mercury in their fish.
Another fake prophecy? The Gentile Times!
Isn't it amazing how this prophecy points clearly to 1914! -------------------------- IF "times" actually mean years, If those years actually mean
360 day/lunar years, IF those "days" actually stand for full 365 day/solar years, IF the Times really started in 607BCE (depending on
'worldly' chronology - to the present), IF Jesus actually was referring to the Dream Tree in Daniel, etc.
When you pile up a mountain of assumptions to create a "prophecy", it ain't much of a prophecy any more.
(and, while we're at it - I could never get a clear explanation how Germany and its allies fighting for world domination
had anything to do with Jesus invisibly claiming rulership?? )
There is a concept in the dictionary called "coincidence" - it refers to the real coexistence of things appearing to be related
BUT ARE NOT! That's what "coincidence" is!
Another fake prophecy? "nation will rise against nation"! IT DOESN'T SAY that the wars MUST involve EVERY nation on earth,
does it? Wars happen all the time, --- People are READING WORLD WARS into what the text simply says.
The whole "last days" view isn't a prophecy because it fails to set a TIME LIMIT for fufillment. If a bunch of goof-ball religious
magazine peddlers predict Armageddon for a HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS, i'd say your odds are good you will encounter
some wars, pestilences, problems with crime and economic troubles over that period. With no "generation" to limit the "fufillment",
the "prophecy" falls apart - it isn't miraculous information.
The same goes for "Peace and Security" - as prophecy, this is utter nonsense. If the world is full of war, Witnesses will say
"Armageddon is Soon!" ---- and of course, if the combatants negotiate peace, then ( you knew this was coming!), Witnesses
say "Armageddon is Soon". It has no objective basis at all. One size fits all, in prophecy-land!
Need I go on? If a "King of the North" appears, The End is Near ---- yet, if the "King of the North" vanishes completely from
the world scene, somehow The End is Still Near !
If you disagree with the above, I'd just like to say
that I can sell you a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn --- very reasonably! It just came on the market! Buy Now!