I'll Pray for you. What's your feelings when someone says that to you?

by El Kabong 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    Well, this is a bit off topic but one of the things that come to my mind is, for most forms of prayer atleast: Isn't it pretty much like telling God what to do? Even though it's a request, you gotta wonder when it's so specific if they even consider the possibility that their perception might not be all it's cracked up to be.

    Wow!! That's something that actually has been in the back of my head for some time now. I thought that we were all part of some divine plan. When something bad happens...like when somebody dies, they say "Oh, it was Gods will". But, you could pray and pray till the cows come home, that person ain't gonna live again. So what makes these people think that God is going to listen to them about some minor bullshit requests when God has a divine plan. By praying and asking for requests, aren't you trying to alter Gods Divine Plan??

  • Realist

    it happened only a few times to me and in that instances i found it always very sweet.

  • ARoarer

    JW's, if they are not telling you "God's gonna kill you if you don't believe as I do, there telling you "I'll pray for you so God doesn't kill you" My opinion when they say that to you, they are being insulting in a passive agressive way and they know it.

  • Realist


    why? if someone really believes that God will kill you, than praying for you in order to save you is sweet isn'T it? naive but sweet.

  • Sentinel

    Personally, when I first got out of the borg, I didn't believe in prayer any longer. And, I didn't appreciate it when someone else said they'd pray for me. I would think to myself, "what's the use?"; or "If I need prayer, I'll do it myself". But, as the years passed, I realized that in general most people really say it because they see your pain and hurt and know they can't do anything, so they offer to pray for you instead.

    For me, it depends on the person and how well I know them. If a stranger says that to me, I basically ignore them and hope they forget me. I don't want conversations going to who knows where, from a person who doesn't know me at all.

    I don't believe JW's really do pray for individual people do they, or people outside of the borg? They certainly don't pray for df'd ones, because they believe that would be wrong. I mean they just pray in general, without mentioning names, etc. That's the way I remember "those public prayers".

    I have a beloved aunt (never a JW, but very faithful Churchgoer) who knew of my heartbreak over specific family matters, involving my son, and also the shunning by both my parents. She always told me that she prayed specifically about my situation. When there was a significant turn of events in both areas (after many years) I told her that I thought her prayers really helped. I knew that would make her feel good, and who knows, perhaps it did help. She is such a sweetheart and very sincere. She has been so forthwright in speaking to various JDubs when they come to her door, telling them how cruel the shunning and rejection of family is and what it does to people.

    Prayer means something different to me. It's a personal connection to my universal creators. It is a private conversation in private moments, in thankfulness, in need for answers. How can someone else pray for me? They can only pray for themselves really. SHOWING love and compassion is the important thing.

    Other people have a right to believe the way they do. All in all, they do mean well. .....I keep telling myself "they do mean well"......

  • Mulan

    When my cousin was dying two years ago, I had a couple of people ask if I minded if they included her in their prayer group, or prayer circle. Customers who knew her often told me they were praying for her, and the nurses all told us that each visit to the doctor's offices. I thought it was incredibly loving of them, and it didn't bother either of us at all.

  • topanga

    i just say oh no please don't the less he knows about me the safer i'll sleep.

  • blondie
    Depends on the context, I think its real nice when someone realises you are having a tough time and they say "I'll pray for you". Who am I to assume their prayers are a waste of time? Am I above their prayers and beliefs? Even if they are cookie in my opinion it would mean my disproval places me "above" them somehow.

    It does no harm to say thanks.

    Nice comment, Brummie.

    I just had someone at work say she would pray for me and my ailing husband. I consider that similar to when someone says, "you are in our thoughts."


  • undercover

    Reminds me of a song by the Ass Ponys:

    bless me Jesus buddy i have sinned
    whatever does the trick
    odds are even that i'll fall again
    so you better make it stick

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