Well... sad man that I am I had a look on jwborg and counted up the present number of congregations in Scotland. Now I don't know if Scotland in borg terms is the same as in where the border between England and Scotland is in real terms but I assume it is and have not included Berwick-upon-Tweed in Scotland.
According to the letter there will be six circuits in Scotland of similar size.
I counted about 109 congregations including a Polish in both Glasgow and Dundee and a BSL in Edinburgh.
I noted but did not include a couple of "isolated groups" in the Hebrides/Skye neck of the woods and a few "pre-groups" in Polish/Russian/Roumanian and Mandarin.
So all in all it looks like the size of the new circuits will still be about 20; maybe a little less - 18 plus the odd isolated group would seem about the average.
I also noted that Glasgow has 12 English speaking congregations and Edinburgh has 8 English speaking. (As in the name of the city comes before the name of the congregation.)
So unless I am missing something I don't see a large reduction (or any?) in circuits for Scotland. Does anyone know how many there are at present?