This month the last segment is about evolution. One is with a sister with a university education in biochemistry who (presumably) teaches at a highschool or public school. She says that left handedness of amino acids indicates life was created because "if it was a random process half would be right handed and half left handed" (paraphrased). Not only does this miss that there are right-handed amino acids in some living things, but all one needs to consider a slight selective pressure towards amino acids with the same handedness and there is simply no argument.
The other interview is with Davey Loos, a PhD in biochemistry. He is a real scientist but sells lasers today according to his linked in profile. He hints he was not allowed to question evolution during his education and then gives his scientific argument: "based on the theory of evolution we would expect to see an abundance of transitional forms to be present in the fossil record. But when we do look at the fossil evidence we just don't see it. We see that the major species come into existence at specific times and their form and structure is still exactly the same as their form and structure today." (not paraphrased). It is quite amazing to think he has a PhD and haven't bothered to google such an easily debunked lie. Then he gives the usual line about how biochemistry is just very complex.
So yah, that's it. Cut to music video.