If such mass harm eventually befalls JWs as a result of jabs, WT will spin it as "persecution"... a Haman-like scheme... and thus further evidence JWs are the one and only true religion, in the universe.
Booster shots required for Bethelites and special full time servants?
by PimoElder 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
such mass harm eventually befalls JWs as a result of jabs, WT will spin it as "persecution"... a Haman-like scheme... and thus further evidence JWs are the one and only true religion, in the universe.
this vaccine has been cleverly designed to hurt people and eventually kill people with no way of proving it was from the experimental shot
so many have been hurt or already killed by this harmful injection but it’s made to look like it wasn’t the shots that caused it
the GB have been quiet of late in the broadcast compared to last few years acting like salesmen for big pharma
I wonder how many are remaining fully vaccinated or how many are not getting them anymore six months after the last one
Mikejw: Over the next decade the majority of fully vaxed people will develop very serious health problems or die.
According to: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations just over two-thirds of the global population has received at least one COVID vaccine shot. The USA --which has been criticized for its high number of people refusing the vaccines-- is close to 80% having received at least one dose. I'm not sure what "fully vaxxed" means, but a significant percentage of the world has received at least the initial vaccine treatment.
The chart you posted is claiming that by now, many of them will have experienced severe health reactions, up to and including death. It claims that, within a year (and many people have already been vaccinated for more than a year, myself included), those who survived the first round of reactions will suffer an onset of equally severe reactions. And that, within another 7-8 years, we should see a spike in cancer, autoimmune reactions, and more death.
And this is happening and will happen to upwards of five billion people. If that chart is correct, there should be death tolls in the millions each month, if not in the tens of millions, by now. Color me skeptical. I don't think they're anywhere near as dangerous as that chart would imply.
so many have been hurt or already killed by this harmful injection but it’s made to look like it wasn’t the shots that caused it
At the earliest outset of the COVID jab being forced on people there was quite a bit of anecdotal (evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them) available. It was all quashed (put an end to; suppress) even when presented by qualified medical personnel. The forced lock-downs, mandated masks, and forced injections of an experimental shot were never designed to help people, they were always by design a method to control people, and was manipulated by string pullers in the background who have an ulterior agenda of self-enrichment and de-population. No amount of obfuscation (the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible) by those who either stand to gain by so doing, or by the useful fools who support them will change that fact.
road to nowhere
Young men arecat risk of myocardial probems. If course there is a " fix" for that. I know if one young woman who just happened to die from blood clot 3 days after.
I am elderly man and cannot get it no matter how hard I try. Had the booster, will have to argue with doctor's nagging for next one.
According to: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations just over two-thirds of the global population has received at least one COVID vaccine shot. The USA --which has been criticized for its high number of people refusing the vaccines-- is close to 80% having received at least one dose. I'm not sure what "fully vaxxed" means, but a significant percentage of the world has received at least the initial vaccine treatment.
Fully vaxed means you keep getting another booster every six months. If it’s been six months since your last shot then you are no longer fully vaxed.
the GB keep pushing the fully vaxed narrative
one expert has said that no human being can have seven of these shots and still be in good health if still alive even
the less you have the better some people are on their fourth or even 5th by now.
but many get their health ruined or die on less shots