If you were disfellowedshipped after you made an appeal by the appeal committee,you are NOT yet disfellowedshipped!
In the elder flock book there is a little known "RIGHT" that the rank and file are not told when they lose their appeal.
That is that you have the "RIGHT"to appeal an appeal.You can request the appeal committee to forward their decision to the Branch office and have them review all the decisions once again.
However ,when the appeal committee hides this "RIGHT"from you and does not inform you about this "RIGHT"there is an error in judgment on their part.
Hence you are "NOT"disfellowedshipped when denied this "RIGHT"as outlined in the flock book for elders to follow when hearing an appeal.
I know that as far as the announcement that is made prior to this "RIGHT"everyone will treat you as such,not knowing that there has been a miscarriage of justice against you.
It is true that the branch office may uphold the appeal decision,but, that is not the issue here.
Has anyone ever used this "RIGHT" or,been told of it by the appeal committee and had their decisions overturned.In the case of a family member we were not told.