Yesterday at 3:15 am my grandmother passed away. She had pneumonia. She fought it for weeks. I am a bit sad at her passing but I am glad that she died peacefully in her sleep and also that she is no longer in pain. Here is a little about her. My grandmother was born in the US to Norwegian immigrants. I don't know a lot about her childhood but, I do know that during the depression she was seperated from her family and siblings and placed in foster care. That is where she remained until she was an adult. She modelled professionally for a while (She was a redheaded knockout!) and did some volunteer work until she married my grandfather. She had 5 children and 11 grandchildren. She outlived 2 of her children, her husband, and one grandchild. She was a spunky, energetic, tough as nails woman who you could not bullsh*t! Man, did she have attitude! After my grandfather died she moved, by herself, to Arizona. She met a slightly younger man and moved in with him despite her JW daughter's protest. She lived her life to the fullest and didn't care what anyone thought of her. My grandma...what a wonderful woman she was. ~Aztec
My tribute to my grandmother
by Aztec 15 Replies latest jw friends
aww Aztec, sorry to hear of you losing someone so lovely as her. She sounds great and a credit to any family. Its a great sadness for you. I admire her, I am pleased to hear she made the most of her life, what a woman.
Hope you get support.
Thanks for sharing the story of your Grandmother's life. She sounds like a wonderful lady. I am so sorry to hear of her passing.
I'm glad that she left peacefully too. My grandmom sounded a lot like her. She was a Zeigfeild dancer and had a very difficult childhood too and she was tough but loving and fun. Grandmom's are special. I miss both of mine and I wish that I took the time to learn more from them. I wish you peace and I think your Grandmother would have liked your tribute to her. love, dj
Aztec, that was beautiful. Thank you for letting us have a glimpse of a great woman.
I just realized that my grandmother that I spoke of above, the one that sounded a lot like yours....well, it's May 8th and it would have been her 100th b-day today.
Sorry to hear about your loss. (((((((Aztec)))))))
She sounds like one cool person.
((((Brummie, Chester, DJ, Blue, Nikita, Sixy)))) She was very loved and she knew it. I just wanted to share what a great lady she was. I hope I can emulate her even a little bit. :) Thank you! ~Azzy
((((Aztec)))) - a big huge hug from your buddy Rayzorblade.
I am sorry to read of your grandmother's passing, but I am very pleased to see how you wrote about her in such a positive and uplifting way. She sounds like she was funky old lady...geez wonder where Aztec gets her spunk from eh?
I have only one grandparent left, my maternal grandmother whom I am incredibly close to. She is my biggest supporter and fan. She is 84 years of age, and spunky as all get out.
It's interesting how we can bond to our grandparents isn't it? For me, she is my confident. I can talk to her about anything, and she's a very dynamic, loving individual.
Aztec, I know how you must feel. Losing someone as dynamic and as interesting as your grandmother is painful.
It's wonderful you have such incredible memories of her, and that you can come here and share this with us. She lives in you. You have given her life validation and respect, for that your grandmother's love remains forever in you.
Big Hug from ol' Rayzorblade (((((Aztec)))))