@ SBF - You appear to be a supporter of democracy by these statements: "attempting to deny democracy doesn’t work" and "a desperate attempt to deflect from the basic issue of democracy."
Clearly, the SNP doesn't agree with you! Having lost TWO democratic referendums, they lose the plot and try to encourage more hatred by Scots for the UK and the English themselves.
"Playing games with election results?" Your use of terminology in an attempt to deflect from a cast-iron truth does you no credit. I thought you were better than that.
I said: 62.38% of the electorate didn't vote for Scotland to leave the UK. Disprove this!!!!
Let me put it a different way - as 2 questions - to see if you still say 62.38% is wrong:
Scotland has an electorate of 4,300,000.
A total of 1,617,989 of the electorate in actuality voted to LEAVE the UK. What percentage of the electorate did that represent?
2,001,926 - and the remainder - positively DID NOT vote to leave the UK? What percentage of the electorate does that represent?
The SNP & others have been crying into their porridge ever since, will use any excuse to "justify" yet another referendum, and will continue to do so when they lose it!