This morning the JWs set up two literature trolleys at our local shopping centre. The trolleys were situated within 20 feet of each other with six JWs attending them. Why they needed six JWs on hand I have no idea as everyone was ignoring them.
Anyway I thought I'd have some fun. So I approached one of the trolleys and gave the appearance of being interested. This trolley was attended by two middle aged women and an older white haired woman. One of the younger women said: "Good morning."
So I asked her if they had the Book of Mormon. Her answer was a little surprising by what she failed to say. She answered saying: "No, but we have the Bible."
What surprised me was the fact that she didn't make it clear that they were JWs and not LDS. Perhaps the new strategy is to let the inquirer think they are something else so as not to scare him away. So then she hands me the gray revised NWT. I examine it briefly and say: "Do you have the larger edition, like the one that the guy on JW Survey has in his library? You know, the one just to his right on the shelf behind him?"
Then she says: "Yes, I know what you mean. But we don't have it with us this morning, but I can get a copy and have it here next week if you want to stop by."
I thanked her and said I might be by next week if I'm not working. Then I walked off and did my shopping.
I may be wrong, but I left with the impression that this woman may be catching John Ceders show on the net.