House Bill 1098

by lastmanstanding 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lastmanstanding

    Many of you are aware of the ongoing battle over clergy exemption from reporting of child abuse. The question is, are we in the field doing enough to push for what is right!?

    There are always multiple ways of looking at an issue, and the viewpoint advocated by the Catholic Church, The Mormon Church and the Watchtower church is that the provision of confession without the fear of being turned in to police allows an abuser to seek help to stop his abuse. And that without “clergy penitent privilege” many abusers that would otherwise be helped to stop abusing children, go on to abuse and abuse and abuse.

    Thats one way of looking at it.

    The other way is this, if a polluter has a place to dump his garbage, then he will go on generating more and more garbage, confident in his scheme.

    Superstitious pigs that believe they can gain absolution for their crimes by simply spending a few minutes in a booth with yet another pig while going over the details of their crime, will continue to abuse children with impunity. They can sexually abuse children left and right while holding a ‘get out of jail card’ in their pocket as well as a ticket to heaven with a fresh stamp from father perv.

    If mister disgusting is seeking absolution from a schmuck in a cloak it is because he is superstitious, thinking that somehow the confession mechanism will grant him eternal bliss in the afterlife. Take that away, and his superstitious grey matter will tell him that abusing children will condemn him to eternal damnation, in burning eternal flames (Catholic) or never ending oblivion (JDub).

    Not one of the news writers I have spent time entertaining on my tablet has covered this angle. Why not? Are they superstitious also?

    Please email, in your own words or copy mine, every news outlet you can to open the glued shut eyes of correspondents that have had been blinded to this simple truth.


  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    'According to a report by InvestigateWest, the Washington State Catholic Conference says that confession is “a part of faith and religion and a practice that secular government doesn’t have any place to impinge on.”

    When it comes to protecting children from abuse, government not only has a place, it has a responsibility.

    The Catholic Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been rocked with civil cases involving sexual assault of children. The Catholic Church has spent millions nationwide in lobbying to keep the confession exemption in state laws.

    Society must put children first. To know that a child has been abused, yet not sounding the alarm goes against social norms and is unconscionable.

    The Seattle Times editorial board '

    Mandate that WA clergy report child abuse, without exceptions

  • Biahi

    First, who should be permitted to call themselves clergy. IMO, a person who has a degree from an accredited seminary is a clergy member. Not a window washer, or factory worker who is an elder. Second, a confession that is protected, should ONLY be between the aforementioned clergy person holding a degree, and the confessor. Not 3 elders, unqualified, who tell other elders, their wives, etc. It should be established who can actually be called clergy. And then, ONE clergyman, and ONE congregant. Not like the witnesses do it. JMHO.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    It seems the Catholic Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints still view children as property.

    'Childhood sexual abuse affects victims in nearly every area of their lives from physical and mental health to interpersonal relationships. It even causes brain damage, affecting the way victims experience stress and memory recall and causing emotional and attentional abnormalities.

    Exceptions to mandatory reporting laws tell victims that their abuse isn’t serious enough to require reporting.

    The point of mandatory reporting laws is to put the responsibility for ending child abuse on everyone. Clergy should not be excluded from that responsibility, especially when they belong to a church that has a history of hiding child abuse.'

  • lastmanstanding

    Email every journalist and explain to them that ending clergy penitent privilege for child abusers will help end child abuse.


  • enoughisenough

    here is a sad thing that isn't being taken into consideration in these comments. Many of the lawmakers likely into the perversion themselves.

  • wozza

    Seems to me that if the religious organizations report these crimes they have heard in confession they will lose members which in the end translates to dollars.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Money is the priority. Organized religion can’t risk a glitch in their money-making machines. Also they don’t want to acknowledge that the secular authorities outrank them. WT for one, now doesn’t just want to represent God, they say they Are God.

    So having to report crimes of course seems to them a loss of authority. The children suffering is just collateral damage.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Unfortunate in Utah, like many states, Chair's get the right to be tyrants in Committees.

    It takes time for religious beliefs to change, like getting new and younger members in the legislature.

    'House Minority Leader Angela Romero confirmed to FOX 13 News on Friday she’s been told her bill and others mandating clergy report abuse disclosures to law enforcement will not be advancing in the legislature.

    The chair of the House Rules Committee, which determines what bills move forward, told FOX 13 News he doesn’t feel like the bills are quite ready for hearings.'

  • lastmanstanding

    Some have commented about how reporting molestation to police will lose religion their money.

    Probably, but who cares….

    All I want to see is that media outlets present to their readers the simple principle that if the legislators close the loophole that allows superstitious pedo’s to gain their drug of absolution, then pedophiles will rape fewer children.

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