Waking someone up using WT Article on "Doubts"?

by cappytan 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Most ex-jws might but it shows how the WTS uses language to give outsiders the illusion that they are open-minded.

    How many non-jws realize that when the WTS uses "Christian(s)" that the WTS only means jws?  Since we have non-jws who read this may not get the point right away or see the pattern. 

  • KateWild
    How many non-jws realize that when the WTS uses "Christian(s)" that the WTS only means jws?  Since we have non-jws who read this may not get the point right away or see the pattern. - Blondie

    Exactly! Really good point, it called loaded language, and it's part of information control, which is part of the BITE model. (behaviour,information, thought, emotion). Four ways the cult controls it's members.

    Kate xx

  • LisaRose

     The problem is that, for most Jehovah's Witnesses, you can't use reason and logic, because they have been conditioned to think a certain way about these things. Any attempts to show them the obvious contradictions of the Watchtower will cause them to become fearful and shut down the rational part of the brain, and then nothing you say will make any difference.

    The religion is full of examples of this kind of hypocrisy. The bible says we should keep testing our faith, but that only applies to people in other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to never look at anything critical of the Watchtower. This is so deeply ingrained that most Jehovah's Witnesses become fearful at the thought of looking at "apostate literature", as if such could cause them to loose their faith against their will, by its presense. But why? Doesn't "the truth" stand up to scrutiny? If these viewpoints are wrong, they should be easily disproved, so why are they so afraid?

    Another example is this statement from their own literature.
    "No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family." Awake! 2009 July p.29 (p.28)

    But of course that only applies to other religions, not to them. They are happy to convert people from their faiths, but if a former member joins another religion they are apostate and evil and are shunned. But you will not get the average JW to see this contradiction, they have been trained to not see the elephant in the room, for them it doesn't exist, even when it's sitting right next to them and they can smell the peanuts on its breath.


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