Zoom Memorial

by gabcol 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gabcol

    Well I did it.. I attended the Zoom memorial ( in respect for my mum). It was very strange to say the least. Everyone had bread and wine at their houses. For those who didn't, the speaker held the emblems in front of the camera. Needless to say, I had my camera off. To be honest, I can't really put into words how I'm feeling at the moment ( 1 hour after it has finished). I was so nervous to the point where I almost passed out and yet I also felt empty inside. I looked at them and thought," These are my enemies"...and yet looking at them I kind of felt like they were long lost family.

    Someone asked me once if there was anything I missed about being a JW. Instantly, I said it was the sense of brotherhood. I always felt like no matter where I went in the world, if I went to a meeting I felt like they were my family... and now when I attended, I felt like an outsider... Sorry if this is a ramble, I'm just trying to sort out my feelings.

  • waton

    interesting is your reminder that as seen from one location, direction, out there, it is always memorial time, as the world turns. We surrounded by pacific will be last.

    yeah, the wrong doctrines notwithstanding and the truly horrible people "in", there are a select few, that one would not mind to spend a lot of time with. if we had the choice.

    let's drink to that. communion time!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    its only when you have left it all far behind you--you really come to realise what a total crackpot outfit it all is. I feel sorry for all those trapped in it for fear of what happens if they leave.

  • mynameislame

    I thought it was tonight? Or are you in one of those future time zones where it is already tomorrow?

    I also liked the idea of having instant friends anyplace I went. Looking back I also liked the diversity. I had friends of every race and several levels of income. I even had non-practicing gay friends.

    But there's stuff I don't miss too. Having to pick friends based on how well they towed the company line instead of what kind of person they were. I realize now that many of the people I considered close friends were in fact toxic. I probably was too because that is what being a good JW requires. Not having any true friends, because you know, even if it is just in the back of your mind, that you may have to disown them without so much as a goodbye. Every DF\DA announcement reinforces that. Knowing that having legitimate doubts or questions is enough to instantly end a friendship even if you have everything else in common.

    Hang in there, you'll slowly realize that the people you considered your spiritual family were more than a few clicks away from healthy.

  • DisArmed

    I can relate, when I first left Wally World I thought a lot about lost friends and family and the need for social life and community. The farther away in time the less you think about that and the clearer you see how messed up that whole world is. Then when you get even farther away you don’t really think at all about that world. You will find yourself in a much richer, happier community. Heck, you have such a broader selection of people to choose as friends and family. YOU get to choose! You just may find friends and family that are closer, more loyal and definitely less judgmental than any you have ever had.

  • WTWizard

    Too bad for them, my computer wasn't even turned on during this wastefest. (I turn my computer off when not in use for a long period and unattended, to save electricity and so any malware has less opportunity to run). And I would rather be using it to find more "bad" songs I missed from the 1960s through the 1980s, or to play the ones I already downloaded (both purchased and otherwise, for songs I could not purchase), than be wasting it on something so intrusive as a boasting session.

  • BluesBrother

    In the U K we still have it to look forward to......about 90 minutes away. I will sit respectfully, to keep the happy marriage that I have it is worth it.

    I am not expecting much.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    is it tonight ?

  • skin
    is it tonight

    It was last night, Saturday 27th March. We had 132 on our zoom memorial, which is a little more than our average meeting.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    its sat the 27th here--in the UK--right now..7pm

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