I love the Rifleman! I’ve seen it a million times and still will watch it ! And Goodfellas, the movie as well as The Sopranos. 👍👍👍
Is There a TV Show or Movie That You Just NeverGet Sick Of?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Back to the Future - All three of them
Ghost and the darkness. Oh what a thrill. I could smell death every time I watch it.
I can catch old eps of Seinfeld and find myself still laughing at the "show about nothing."
I hate to admit it but there were a few of the older animations that I will still laugh at such as the Simpsons, Daria, Futurama etc silly but funny and strangely on point regardless of the time period they are viewed in.
Wasanelder Once
Forgive me but I love the old Perry Mason's. Always on late at night but I like them. It's fun to see all those actors from way back in their first performances and c'mon, Perry is a fricken genius!
Movies? So I Married An Axe Murderer.
Great new show on hbo called The Deuce. It shows life in around 42 nd St in the early1970s and how porn, hookers and pimps ruled the day.
Pretty Woman
Something's Gotta Give
When Harry Met Sally & French Kiss
The Godfather (I, II, III)
As Good As It Gets
A Few Good Men
Jules Saturn
Minimus, I second The Sopranos and Goodfellas, they’re amazing
James Mixon
Twilight zone, The Beverly hillbillies and Pink Panther (Peter Sellers).
Oh my Wasanelder I love Perry Mason too! It is on twice a day on MeTV and I catch it at least once a day. Can't get over how thin and good looking Raymond Burr was. Also never get tired of The Andy Griffith Show no matter how many times I see the same episodes.
compound complex
Look at Ingrid Bergman's face . . .
And, then, listen to Louis: "I'm shocked! I'm shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
"Your winnings, Sir."
"Oh, thank you very much!"