They have a very big child abuse enabler international reputation in the courts can these things be a reason for banning these stupid ass carts that claims to have all the answers to mans hardest questions.
Why should every library have to permit them to plant their lame ass carts close to the entrance.
I'm thinking that soon due to all the bad publicity surrounding the Jehovah Witness cult leaders that cart witnessing will come to be seen as a very big waste of time by all it's members that have become hall less thus missing a shit load of meeting and a beginning to start thinking for themselves.
I'm sure many JWs hate this type of work even now, even though it's an easy way to get your time in and not be labeled inactive or keep the elders off your back.
Have you noticed that a lot of carts don't have a JW near by? I never see anybody at the carts where I live, I've even asked people nearby and nobody knew who put the cart there. Is this the WT corp. new way to shield it's members from apostates who want to talk? Plant a cart at the library and go hide and just come back every two hours to show yourself then skidaddle.