Beautiful! Thanks for the share, Vander.
First Church Service at 55 years Old
by SouthCentral 18 Replies latest jw friends
South Central, I am glad you had a good time.
There is a lot of variation even in JW Halls. I found JW Black and Hispanic congregations I was a member of in Brooklyn and California, much more welcoming and friendly. The comments and music were more lively, and some halls ignored headquarters' rules and had picnics and ball games.
There is a non Denominational church a block from us and a Unitarian church that send out neighborhood invitations for Classical music concerts, Madrigal concerts, and various events. We have never attended any events. I think Watchtower$$ poisoned that well for us.
Thank you Vanderhoven7 , that is beautiful.
How wonderful to see lots of different churches of all kinds coming together. That happens more often than most people realise.
Jan from Tam
As a witness, the evilest thing in the world is a CHURCH!! It's incredible how at a church there is much love and forgiveness.
Beth Sarim
I think its just part of the brainwashing & the isolation strategy the Borg uses.
"As a witness, the evilest thing in the world is a CHURCH!! It's incredible how at a church there is much love and forgiveness"
"Love and forgiveness is for sissies!" - Diamond Joe Rutherford (probably 🤷)
South Central--
So happy to hear you had such a wonderful experience at this black church. I, too, remember my first visit to a Christian non-denominational church. It was so much more authentic than the JWs, who always seem to be on guard to outsiders. What really impresses me about our local church is the gospel message preached. It's so different from JWs message of following all the rules and just "maybe" you'll be resurrected. Jesus said:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." [Jhn 5:24]
And the Apostle John says: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life." [1John 5:13]
Instead of eternal life being an "if" as the JWs believe, the bible shows it is sure thing, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:19-23). How was the sermon at this church? I imagine you may have a similar experience if you'd like to share!
LauraLynn exactly , the sermons in churches are based on the Bible- the Gospel.
One of our lay readers, Ray , often comes out with what he will admit are his thoughts on a passage. He will usually then say " you may disagree with my interpretation , that's fine and l hope that some of you do " . His hope is to start us thinking and discussing.
It is often said that you can read the same verse again after a few years and get something different from it . According to where you are on your spiritual journey.
This is , l suspect, quite different from the JW attitude.
Jan from Tam
It was CRAZY to see that a WOMAN (without a head led the first 30-minues of the service!!! She was the highlight of it all for me!