Reason why God wanted/made humans write the scriptures

by looter 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • looter
    Jehovah's witnesses believe that God sent humans to write the bible because his servants can relate better to humans since they are humans. I heard that at a meeting two weeks ago. It does not make sense to me at all but I do not know how to explain it. a little help please.
  • freemindfade

    Your logical neocortex is telling you this doesn't add up, which is correct. Why is it so important? really? Just like say billions and billions of people need to suffer and die over a point made when eve bit the apple? Its what I like to call the witness 2+2=5 mentally. Everything your brain wants to reject they need to come up with some explanation that gets you to the desired end result. That the bible is right. 

    Its analog thinking and its stupid. How much more reliable would a source be that was with god??? If and angel wrote to us "you must not murder" are you going to say wtf does he know, he's not a human like me!! no! What's right is right (biblically speaking) and whats wrong is wrong. Who cares who wrote it. Its just something that helps dubs sleep at night so they can tell themselves the bible is not a book of fairytales. 

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Why: So the believer could guess about Gods will!

    So believers can cherry pick it to suit themselves!!

    Moses broke God's written words by his own hands, so God said screw you. I will send my words to different prophets over time, some will be lunatics and others will be bat sh--t crazy.

    So it will be up to you to figure out my word. Have fun!!!!!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The reason why humans wrote the Scriptures is because Jehovah is an imaginary being in the minds of some humans and he is not real.

    If Jehovah was real and all loving and knowing he would stay away from third party communications and do it one on one directly. Too much gets lost in the translation to have go betweens claiming to represent the Almighty  as a official prophet. But if Jehovah is real then he must be a complete bungling fool when he uses third party communications with all the misunderstandings and personal bias that come with it not to mention language mean changes over the centuries.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    Oops,  double post.  I wrote it better the second time! 
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    It's spin. 

    The bible was written by men. Fact.

    Cognitive bias tells you that the bible is from God,  so the FACT that it was written by men MUST be the best thing.  So we invent a reason WHY it must be the best thing. 

    Imagine if the boot was on the other foot.  The bible has been/claimed to be written by angels.  What would we all be commenting on at the meetings? Our  bias would tell us that since the bible is from God then that must be the best thing. We'd say that it's a good job he didn't get humans to write it all down,  it'd be full of errors and inconsistencies.  We'd say how could humans ever properly convey the grandeur and majesty of the heavenly visions of ezekiel and revelation? We'd slag off other holy books for being written by humans.  

    It's SPIN,  to support our BIAS. 

  • M*A*S*H

    I think if Big J is real he is somewhat akin to Q from Star Trek.  Perhaps he just has a warped sense of humour.

  • rebel8

    [In biblical mythology,] God sent humans to write the bible because his servants can relate better to humans since they are humans. [Unfortunately, this literary work fell far short of helping humans relate better to the concept of the xian god, due to advocating violence, hatred, and intolerance. The numerous errors didn't help either, because it proves the books were not inspired by the creator (for example, bats are birds, Earth is flat and stationary).]


  • LisaRose

    If God is all powerful, why does he need to use humans to communicate with us? If he created us, shouldn't he know exactly what to say and how to say it so that we completely understood what he wants us to do?

    Instead he supposedly used various men who wrote down various contradictory accounts, leaving us with no clear message. This message is so unclear there are hundreds of religions that claim to be following the bible, all different, most claiming to be the only one doing it right. 

    The God supposedly sent his son to die for us, but the four gospel accounts contradict each other so you don't even know which account, if any, are correct. Then God, after thousands of years of communicating with us,  completely stops doing so, but not before leaving us with Revelation, a book of what seems to be drug induced hallucinations, with no explanation as to what it means. 

    It's so puzzling, it's almost like it's just a bunch of weird stuff some random people just made up. 

  • freemindfade


    also rabbits chew cud.... and so on and so on

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