
by Italia 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Italia

    HI all just visiting to give you all a push in the right direction...I'm chris from Italy and came across this site by chance and was shocked to see so many apostates that were once witnesses..Come on you know that Jehovah is our loving god and that your only saying these things to justify your descions to break away from the word of God.Babylon the great is has almost fallen!!Then what Peace and security and the end will come!For crying out loud there already starting the road map to peace and security!!

    I hope with all my hart that the few people that have been influenced by this world have the humility to turn back while ther's still time....Peace to you all and sta mi bene

    Ciao ciao


  • hillary_step


    Welcome to the Board. Ora, sono sveglio.

    Best regards - HS

  • gitasatsangha

    Hi Chris,

    You know how to dive right in and make yourself, useful, yes?

    you know the truth and wish to give us theocratic reminders? Oh. Fatti i cazzi tuoi! Ti prendo a calci in culo, leccacazzi, as they say. It is interesting you still seem to have this overbearing self-righteous, masquerading as real concern. However deep down, you must realize you have doubts. That's what brought you here, after all, is it not?

  • Italia

    Sorry if i offended you in some way

    Sta mi bene

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the board, Chris/Italia.

    HI all just visiting to give you all a push

    Please don't push. We are open to discuss specific things, one at a time. You'll come to see that most of us have been where you are. I can argue both for and against the teachings of JW's. I've just made up my own mind which side of the discussion I believe. JW's can only argue from the one side that they know.

    your only saying these things to justify your descions to break away from the word of God

    Hang around and keep an open mind, you'll learn that this isn't always true. Indeed, the WT Society organization has come to teach the thoughts of men over the word of God, and THEY are the ones that need to justify themselves.

    It's a myth that most people who break away from the JW's turn into evil people who are in dire need of spiritual guidance. You'll find most of the people on this board to be thoughtful and courteous. So please treat us that same way, I beg you, otherwise your words won't be very persuasive here.

  • expatbrit


    Welcome to the board, paesano. I think you'll find that there are rather a lot of the risvegliato here. Nessun dorma, quite

    You'll probably find that you'll get some negative responses, but I hope that you'll stick around to give your point of view.


  • Italia

    Hi,sorry if I offended you I'm defently in the wrong place...Peace to you



  • Uzzah

    Interesting name svegliatevi Isn't that the name of "Awake" in Italian? I remember working with the magazines in that language while in bethel.

    One of the mags I remember was in 80's when the front cover declared true Peace and Security. Since the UN and Pope had declared that year as the year of Peace and Security. The magazine inferring strongly that this could be the start of teh cry of peace and security. That was almost 20 years ago. It is a long road map you are talking about.

    I walked away from the Organization 5 years ago. I am not nor have I ever been disfellowshipped nor have I disasscoiated myself. The lack of love, the politics within the BRanches, the Pharissitical rules and arrogant elders were far from the fruit of love that is supposed to identify true Christians.

    I appreciate you caring enough to at least be polite in your encouragements. However please realize that for many here, the WatchTower has meant a place of suffering not a place of relief. We have left a man made organization. This does not mean that we have left Jehovah.

    As one person I know put it, "I have enough faith in Jehovah, that if his favor is still on the Watchtower Society, he will still know my heart and judge me accordingly. I am not without sin, but thankfully it is Jehovah that is the final judge and not the elders or the Governing Body"

    I may not share those sentiments but it is food for thought.

    All the best to you and your family.


  • JamesThomas

    Dear Chris, Thank you for your kind concern. Did you know Chris, that Jehovah, or more rightly said Yahweh, was at one time a minor tribal god? Only one of many gods worshiped throughout the desert tribes. He was a primal and crude god of war and destruction. One of the most cruel and repugnant as the Old Testament clearly points out. You can research this yourself. The information is there for those interested in knowing the truth. How sad Chris, that such a kind person as yourself continues to belittle and reduce the True Source of this universe into such a tiny, blood thirsty, anthropomorphic, false god. Please do some research on the primitive mythological deity that you have dedicated your life to and hold so dear. Please do not blindly believe in a tiny man-made god simply because other blind and ignorant men tell you so. It's far too important for that -- don't you think Chris? Would you kill your own children dear Italia? Would you? Your god does. Does it not seem exceedingly strange to worship and honor a god with morals lower than your own? Perhaps your little god should be worshipping you, for you are probably far more kind, loving and Christ-like. God is not the evil, brutal and savage entity that your carnal religion has made It out to be. Look deep into your heart and see. The True God, is not so tiny and limited as to be absent from where you are; no matter what the foolish men you unquestionably follow tell you. Ask yourself dear Chris, is the True God more or less than our feeble understandings? Of course it is always more. The little wisdom I have shared with you here reveals a God far more than what you believe in now. So you tell me Chris, whose understanding must be closer to the Truth? You're free to follow man and his tiny little gods if you choose. You're also free to let go of such disgusting things and look anew within your own heart. Perhaps it's time to Awake!


  • shamus


    Thanks for your concern. However, after researching BOTH SIDES of the story I am pretty much happy the way that I am. Until you start to do some research on the other side of witnesses, as indicated in the bible to "seek out" the truth, you will not understand. It is my hope that you rebel against the elders and read about all the sexual abuse and coverups, which many here have been through and personally devastated by.

    Hope to see you on the board -


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