San Salvador, El Salvador has 59.06 murders per 100000
St. Louis Missouri has 60.12 murders per 100000
Gang Violence is on par between the 2 as well.
St. Louis forcible rape per 100000 38.1
San Sanvador forcible rape per 100000 36.7
Rape and gangs are the two things everyone seems to be running from coupled with spousal abuse. So as you can see St. Louis is in serious need of help. You could add Chicago, Oakland, Detroit, Newark, and about 15 other major cities to this comparison. Take a random black, white, hispanic child from one of these cities and put them on the news crying. NO ONE is going to be motivated to do shit. No one will say, hey lets let all those kids from just a zip code away come live in my house. They won't even arrange programs to help people who live 2 miles away improve their situation. But crazy liberal soccer moms are emptying their bank accounts and crying real tears for children thousands of miles away who in many aspects are doing better than these kids.
Worse still if St. Louis mommy gets arrested for parking tickets and they put John John Johnson or Becky Hollingsworth in foster care no one thinks anything is wrong with that. But Pancho Rodriguez Nunez parents break the law and you want them to be held together so as not to scar the kid... give me a break