Anonymous, wow!
Serious Question: Are You Hearing About Anyone With The Flu Anymore or A Cold?
by minimus 135 Replies latest jw friends
Two birthdays mentioned in the bible
Bad things happened both times.
God hates Birthdays.
150 million Americans receive vaccine.
12000 die a short while after
Vaccine killed 12000 people.
150 million Americans start there morning with a cup of coffee
12000 die a short time after drinking Coffee.
Coffee killed 12000 people.
Come on people, Take off your JW dunce caps and research this pseudoscience nonsense.
Weird analogy of a former Witness still making the argument that if you don’t agree with my point of view you are still in the Witness mindset. 🥱 yawn
My point is
1. There is no concrete link between the deaths and the vaccine.
2. Even if there was ( and there isn't ) 12000 divided 150,000,000 is 0.0008 percent. Have a 0.0008 percent chance of dying from the vaccine.
3. There is no concrete link between the deaths and the vaccine.
4. There is no concrete link between the deaths and the vaccine.
Anony Mous:
COVID is an airborne pathogen
The virus can be suspended in droplets in the air for a short amount of time but not in the sense you are attempting to convey, as if someone would need a completely isolated air supply.
This puts the vaccine side effects of death in the first 6 months of this year at 12,000
As with many of your intellectually dishonest posts, this is incorrect. VAERS reports adverse effects experienced after vaccination, not merely caused by vaccination. It includes deaths as a result of conditions unrelated to the vaccine. It’s still a staggeringly small percentage of total vaccination numbers, and it is not a valid representation of deaths caused by the vaccines.
Anony Mous
@Jeffro: then do explain how people are getting it when they are masked and/or isolated where the only form of transmission is a shared air supply.
Here is a source:
The Lancet is a strongly left-wing source: There is consistent, strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 spreads by airborne transmission. Although other routes can contribute, we believe that the airborne route is likely to be dominant.In regards VAERS, they are by and large filed by medical professionals who have a reason to believe a link exists between the death and the vaccine, they include medical data that qualifies as a potential link. It’s not that you get in a car accident and you are reported in VAERS. For the first 3 months of COVID we had a “believe the healthcare professionals”, now when it comes to vaccination, we have “don’t believe the 40-60% of healthcare professionals that don’t vaccinate themselves and/or file reports and complaints”
Even though it is a small number, my point is that the media is picking up reports around the globe in regards young people, who aren’t at risk getting or having adverse effects from COVID, developing problems after receiving the vaccine. Note that vaccinating these groups of people at this point in time is wholly unnecessary, and the drive for vaccination is purely based on threats and fear. Thus any excess death is caused by governments and a media with reporting that is killing people that wouldn’t have died otherwise. We don’t vaccinate for polio and a lot of other things when you get out of the womb, some vaccines are held back until you are 3 years old, while others are held back until you are a teenager, sexually actively, get in an accident or get to be of certain age. Because we know the long term risks of those vaccines, we have made these decisions in healthcare. These longitudinal studies don’t exist yet for the covid vaccines.
I’m not a vaccine denier, I believe the vaccines work. But they carry a risk and for the elderly, that risk is lower than the risk of COVID, so if you are elderly, take it, it’s probably for the best. However if you’re under 55 and healthy, the risk of the vaccine is currently greater than COVID. That isn’t the message though.
Anyone hear about documents filed in federal court (Alabama) within past day or so claiming 148K deaths from the vaccines that have been covered up. This 148K or 145K deaths (and the whistleblower believes the number is much higher) is only data from one reporting system out of about 11 or more. Seems hard to believe - it could be hype but affidavit filed - penalties of perjury, etc., so how long will they hide this info. I hope it's false info.
Dr. McCullough states on video he and his associates personally witnessed 150 plus deaths after the COVID injections (usually after the 2nd one and within couple days) in their small area of the country.
Dr. McCullough recommends to avoid the vax knowing all the negatives and said the vax should have been banned in February. Safer at this point to follow the therapeutic programs he's outlined -- others have also.
Just noticed wasanewboy already posted about this along with the pleadings. I heard a different figure on a video but wanb's figure is much more realistic. I've heard virologists indicate they estimate about 200K already but who knows.
It’s funny watching the cognitive dissonance of COVID conspiracists…
2% die after getting COVID: “they count unrelated deaths as COVID deaths!”
0.0008% die after a vaccination (including deaths not caused by the vaccine): “the vaccine kills people!”
Anony Mous:
The Lancet is a strongly left-wing source
You think it matters to me whether a source is simply ‘left-wing’ or ‘right-wing’?🤣 There’s just as much left-wing nonsense out there as there is right-wing nonsense (and antivaxxers have traditionally been associated with left-leaning new age nut jobs). Regardless of your claim about the Lancet’s political leanings (which I have not verified), the Lancet does have a reputation for accurate scientific reporting though.
Anyway, the article suggests COVID might remain viable in the air for up to three hours, but this does not support the claim that people diligently isolated in their own homes would still get infected.
Anony Mous
@jeffro: you are intentionally misreading the airborne pathogen route. The fact is that people who remained isolated got it. The majority of those however, are poor or elderly, live in apartment buildings or other shared housing complexes where air supplies are shared. Hence the Lancet indicating the virus can be found in air ducts where the only pathway is through the air.
Not sure if you ever lived in those types of houses, social housing, section 8 apartments, assisted living, they tend to have a single air handler between multiple units to reduce costs. Yes, it’s hard to imagine for the left-wing elite, but there are people that don’t have control over their heating and cooling and its always 80 in the winter and 65 in the summer, the blower is even running in the hallways where plenty of people walk, the air circulates in a matter of minutes across all the space. I lived in those for my entire youth, being poor JWs and all.
It’s also easy to verify the Lancet political leaning as they are one of the few medical journals that directly support and officially endorse left-wing politicians. It’s also the place that called for lockdowns and then retracted their own scientific papers, some published years ago on lockdowns being ineffective (published to endorse Obama’s lack of lockdowns during the H1N1 pandemic) and papers on hydroxychloroquin for the sole reason that the Trump admin referenced them. They also endorse terrorist groups in India and Israel, which is well outside the realm of medical science.
I will also note your intellectually dishonest quote of the statistics. Within the age group of 0-18, the total number of deaths from COVID was < 300 for the entire 2 years we had this disease, the majority of those were already immunocompromised (eg. cancer, transplant patients, HIV etc). The VAERS reports of myocarditis and pericarditis which can lead to sudden and premature death currently stand at >1000 in the US. In Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, they have 6000 cases amongst their young people. That is an often permanent heart disease to fight against a disease you would otherwise not die from at all. Extrapolating the current data, the COVID vaccines will kill as much or more young people than they save. Again, not talking about the elderly, not talking about high risk groups. Healthy, young people.