Dear Jehova's Witnesses I have a question about your views in evolution.
by Deimos_Sec 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh well then, I was looking for a place where they actually went to, kinda like Mormons have an ask a mormon, or an email, but i found this first, i guess im in the wrong place for this. I myself as a child was a JW, and today i was really being bothered by the fact that my mother will not be attending my children's birthdays, I was even feeling bad because i converted a woman to it once, I was only 14 at the time I left, thankfully, i left because I wasn't allowed to question anything It feels like they take your freedom away, I cant imagine being stuck there for more than 20 years and then realizing. I kind of want to piss them off in an elaborate way, give them a question they cant answer, make them look stupid, i know is a bit too much, and maybe even immature, but they are a bloody cult, I was never given a real answer for anything. Though I consider myself welcome, I did not think such a community existed. And anyways does anybody have a good email i can send this to run by the JW -
Basically the WTS/JWS heads (GB) don't want to openly accept evolution is firstly they are not wanting to diverge themselves away from the bible creation account, ( the word of god ), because they have adamantly positioned themselves and have stated that they are loyal to his word and that god has chosen them exclusively for doing just that. True faithful and loyal worshipers as it were.
This has been proclaimed from the very beginning of this organization(1919), as a self supporting propaganda agenda since its inception as a religoius organization.
Don't be discouraged Deimos_Sec we do get a lot of JW 'lurkers'. filters out stuff like this. But Yahoo questions has a lot of JW's that arrive to defend their religion. If you ask why don't JW's accept Evolution you will get into a back and forth with actual JW's........ keep your answers short to bait them into hanging in there with you.
Dumb it down a bit until your ready to spring your trap.
Have fun.
Good that you left at such a young age.
I liked that you asked your questions in a very respectful way.
A JW forum is JWTALK. But I doubt that they will allow a controversial discussion there.
@Finkelstein The problem i see with them is that evolution is creation, if there is a god he could have done as he wished, the bible was written by ancient men, you cont expect them to understand evolution, so they could have written whatever they wanted to, or whatever made sense to them, that is of course if the bible is right, JW just need to stop telling god what to do, to be honest I think there is a god, I dont believe in one because belief is purely based on knowing something, I cannot know for sure if there is one or not, in fact no one can! -
I can give you one of the answers:
They "cant" accept evolution because it invalidates the story in the garden of eden where God creates Adam from dust and then creates Eve from Adams rib. Then they eat a fruit that removes their immortality etc.
This does not work very well with humans evolving from other animals. JWs need to believe that Adam and Eve actually existed becasue Jesus referees to them as actual people (Matt 19:4), so they cant say it is just a story and that Adam and Eve never actually existed.
If they say the Genesis account is fictional or symbolic they would have to preform a lot of other mental gymnastics to explain why Jesus thought they where real. And the JWs don't want to take that route (Many other groups do, but they don't have such a literal interpretation of the bible. JWs are not comfortable picking and choosing as much as other groups, especially when it comes to Jesus), therefore they have to reject evolution no matter what, else they would have to rebuild their faith pretty much from the ground up.
And if they did, they would probably lose most of their members...
Paul also does, they are probably mentioned by other important bible characters to...
(1 timothy 2:13)
@C0ntr013r That is a good answer, I will have to dumb it down for them for obvious reasons, Ill try to put all that in only a few sentences, Even though what you just said they 100% believe it, and of course a JW would never say anything like that (hell to them that would be blasphemy haha), I know someone will come up with some "science fact" that is most likely false since they teach fake science all the time in their awake magazine (sometimes true though), I just want to see what imaginary answers these people will come up with. If i can ever find a spot to lure them out, seems like they hide very well on the Internet lol -
Other points if you want more "ammunition" ;)
JWs believe that Jesus came to the earth to pay for the sin the first human (Adam) committed on earth. If Adam never existed, then why would Jesus need to come to the earth and pay for his sin?
It is also their strongest argument for a paradise earth. They cant really prove a paradise earth with the bible if you read it in context, so they like to use this argument:
God created the earth to be a paradise with the garden, Adam and Eve would take care of the garden and expand it until it surrounded the earth (paradise). But Adam and Eve sinned against God and stopped that plan. But nobody can stop God, he still has his plan for the earth and he will make it into a paradise like he originally intended.
The garde of eden needs to exists for this to make much sense...
I was actually told the Jesus argument by a JW when I asked why they could not believe the genesis account was a story and accept evolution.