I just remember as a pre-teen child just how insanely long & boring the sessions were. It didn't help having parents that were zealots - no drawing pictures - no sweets or drinks allowed - even going out to the toilet was forbidden ( though when my sister weed herself after pleading for ages to be let out , my parents slightly relented on that one ). If you went to sleep you would get a sharp elbow in the ribs or physically shaken to wake up. Even as a JW child well used to long , tedious meetings where you had to zone out to survive , a 4 or more hour assembly session on an uncomfortable hard plastic seat was purgatory.
So in that context - the dramas were like manna from heaven. Yes -the acting was chronic , with a standard that would embarrass a children's nativity play and fake beards and silly exaggerated gestures with arms flailing around wildly. Hearing Noah or Abraham speaking American English ( to a British audience ) was ridiculous. But it was a thankful distraction. And back then the dramas , even the "modern day" ones , did at least bear some similarity to bible accounts - in fact , you could occasionally even follow along in the bible. Nowadays the Society have basically chucked the bible out of the window and make it up as they go along.