Hi. I have been introduced to this site by my new friends that are helping me navigate through the reality of waking up and finding out that I have been lied to my whole life.
I grew up in the truth and have given over thirty years to this organization and the few years I wasn’t there my mind was certainly trapped. The more I think about it I am really not that surprised there was a lot along the way that should have woken me up but it took till recently.
The october 2018 WT lesson on honesty was an eye opener for me. These guys have been lyeing all along and continue to play this shell game of misleading information. As I fade here now I can see so clearly how this is happening more often. Witnesses in general have no idea why there Kingdom Halls are being sold many see it as a sign the great tribulation is close.
I look forward to sharing my thoughts here and building a supportive group so I can rebuild my life somehow at this late stage.
I do feel a lot free in the mind. Being a Jehovah’s Witness for me was not fun. Like many I was just hanging on desperate until this system ended. I guess the ship is not going to sink after all.