I guess we can agree to differ, but I personally found the new Memorial songs (147, 149) to be very good, at least from a musical perspective.
Rub a Dub
by RubaDub 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I guess we can agree to differ, but I personally found the new Memorial songs (147, 149) to be very good, at least from a musical perspective.
Rub a Dub
Ha Ha, well " The Book of Mormon" is a very successful West End, Musical, so why not turn the Memorial in to a Musical:-
The Memorial: The most over-hyped musical on " Gods" earth, available at all reputable Kingdom Halls, this hughly popular show is attended worldwide by millions each year, some call it " Why are you refusing Jesus blood?". Anyway one thing is for sure this exsiting show has and will continue to run for many, many, more years to come...Amen and " Rubadab".
The Rebel.
p.s : no offense meant to those that take the memorial seriously.
I, a musician, was pleasantly surprised. The orchestration was impressive. It was necessary, of course, to have those handouts.
The two songs were not bad, comparing to many they have tried.
Guitarists probably noticed a misprint on the second song handout, where they put 'capo 3' should have been 'capo 1'
The two songs were not bad, comparing to many they have tried.
As droppoff.... mentioned ...
I think these songs were much better than some we have tried to sing in the past year or so.
I honestly did not even try to digest the lyrics ... which is probably something I do not do with music in life in general ...
But I thought the music was pretty good and you can sing it once you get some practice.
Rub a Dub