It’s a reasonable point, in the new era of toleration any characteristic tends to be accepted as legitimate, except there is scepticism about the formerly dominant ones: white, male, heterosexual. Is this a period of correction/over correction, or something else?
Personally I think all “culture wars” are essentially economic at their base. All the campaigns, debates, “progress”, reforms, are all epiphenomenal. Economics drives change not ideas or force of argument, especially not anything that might be perceived as historical “moral force”.
I think it was capitalist imperative that pushed women into the workforce in the twentieth century and that led to moves toward equality. The same with progress on race and away from heteronormative sexuality. Treating humans as individual economic units, rather than the family, has led to woman’s rights, the decline of the nuclear family, secularisation, decline of traditional sexual morality, and broad toleration of all kinds of difference. I see these are economically contingent developments that may reverse in different circumstances, not permanent “gains” on some inexorable path of progress.