PROOF Mormons have the truth

by neat blue dog 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Daniel prophesied that God would “set up a kingdom” that would “never be destroyed” and would “stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). In making this prophecy, he spoke of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints... and it will continue to progress until it has “filled the whole earth”... Hundreds of thousands of people are baptized every year. The Book of Mormon is being translated in many languages. Temples are being built throughout the world... No other organization can compare to it.

    Enough said, right? (from LDS website)

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    I think they have been drinking too much of what they are supposed to be drinking

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I've yet to meet a Mormon who is a window washer. 🤣

    They have more white collar jobs due to seeking higher University education!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Gone Bad;

    That's the definitive difference between JWs and Latter Day Saints(Mormons). Education.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Education and qualifications and more brain power.

    Something the WT Borg corporation will lack long term.

    The Borg is its worst enemy

  • joe134cd

    Since leaving the JWs I’ve taken a sideline interest in the LDS. More from the perspective of seeing my JWisim through the context of Mormonism. Doctrinally wise the Mormon church has got bigger problems with proving the validity of its truth claims and its prophet. Trust me, if you think the JWs are Bat shit crazy, my suggestion is,try the Mormon church.

  • slimboyfat

    The number of Mormon congregations in Scotland has declined from 41 to 36 over the past 10 years and some of the remaining congregations have been downgraded from wards to branches.

  • Foolednomore

    Don't the Watchtower and Mormons have different levels of wackiness?

  • Hellothere

    Saw often Mormons out preaching before covid. Didn't see any JW. What i notice they were more enthusiastic then JWs. Hade more zeal. Plus smiled and said hello when I passed them. In general they seem more cheerful. From what I heard they also help each other out on congregatios. They probably not doing good. They have their problems, like many other "Christian" group's. But think they doing better then watchtower.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Thats because the Latter Day Saints are more successful.

    Although there is a level of "whackiness" amongst both,,of those religions

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