Meeting attendance

by Benavidez 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Benavidez

    I was wondering what your guys' meeting attendance was like. Our meetings here is like 50/50 with zoom and in person. The Spanish has it a little "better" with it being like 30% zoom attendance with most attending in person.

    I've heard of congregations in other states having attendance where most (even elders and MS) attend meeting only via zoom and even have their cameras off. I know the borganization has been focusing on getting all the sheep back in person since attendance is abysmal in some areas. Just curious on what its like for you all.

  • Smiles

    For ambitious JWs, when their status or "privileges" are involved, butts quickly meet seats.

  • Gorb

    I asked my JW family and they gave no direct answer to this. They did not like the question 😁.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Yep...Kingdom Hall in-person meeting attendance was pretty low in my neck of the woods also. Zoom meeting attendance was decent...maybe 60% Zoom & 40% Kingdom Hall.

  • slimboyfat

    Was about 60/40 KH versus Zoom, increased to around 70/30 following the letter telling JWs to get back to the KH.

  • FFGhost

    Was about 40% at KH / 60% zoom until the edict from on high.

    Since then, it’s just about flipped - 60% at the KH, 40% on zoom.

    Expect harsher and more frequent “loving reminders” as time goes on the zoom attendance starts drifting north of 50% again, particularly in the winter months.

    Of course, they’ll have to intersperse those messages with equally harsh “let us tell you what your problem is” loving reminders when it becomes apparent that JWs are not heeding the other recent commandment to go back to door to door preaching.

  • Biahi

    JW Gone Bad, I love your avatar! 👍🏻

  • enoughisenough

    ? for those attending either inperson or zoom-do you see a decline overall?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Since the reminder, 40% zoom, guessing. No way c to know actual hall numbers. Still only about 5 on camera. They are requiring masks contrary to directions, which doesn't help. Boring meetings, pushy elders, can't see to drive at night dont help their cause.

    Door work is going right back to the seperate groups which didn't work well 3 years ago. No word on masks yet

  • Mikejw

    There is a local needs this week and most congregations are doing it about going to meetings in person

    in in our latest elders meeting we discussed what to do the local needs about. Everyone said in person meeting attendance and next local needs in person door to door

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