My 'still in' family is passing this pic around Facebook like proud parents.
Picture of Let
by Tahoe 15 Replies latest social humour
The 'true' face of Lett!
Couldn't even be bothered to spell their cult leader's name right. For shame!
So, he is providing comic relief even to JWs. Good to know.
A few weeks ago a pioneer sister in my congregation said she couldn't stand Lett ... That he really wound her up with his voice and facial expressions.
I can't stand any of them!
Tahoe - that picture is a joke, right? Reminds me of the Three Stooges, but the brainwashed Dubs are passing it around like a pic of their grandchild? Really ??
It seems more like a form of idolatry to me.
breakfast of champions
I love how the die-hard JWs spell his name wrong, but the apostates get it right.
I just imagine that squash-and-stretch animation quoting from the very authentic 2 Thessalonians about female subjection.
And then I imagine Bart Ehrman ripping him to shreds.