Profanity on Surrey Kingdom Hall

by lssjr 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lssjr

    If it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), Jehovah’s Witnesses really need to check themselves. They have been directed by their New York Headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know. People don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    If it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active Jehovah’s Witnesses and have been directed by their New York Headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.

    It has been the practice of each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for some years, to maintain a local database of residents who do not wish to be physically contacted at their residence. It is uncertain whether this local database is still being used during the COVID-19 pandemic for their letter-writing and telephone calls campaign.

    Whichever category above, this person certainly got their message across loud and clear – DO NOT CALL ON OUR HOUSE – DO NOT SEND US LETTERS AND YOUR WATCHTOWER MAGAZINES.

    It is unclear who made the police report. If it was Jehovah’s Witnesses, this incident clearly demonstrates their outright and blatant hypocrisy.

    So, Jehovah’s Witnesses would call the police for a petty thing such as this? Why can't they simply "turn the other cheek" as their leader Jesus Christ preached? Why Jehovah's Witnesses would NOT also make a police report regarding the criminal elements in their congregation?

    But let the tables turn around - if a worldly person rapes them, Jehovah's Witnesses would dial 911 IMMEDIATELY without thinking twice.

    Background: Mounties were alerted yesterday [January 25, 2021] to graffiti spray-painted on the side of the gym and in the courtyard at Semiahmoo Secondary School on the 1700-block of 148 Street; they believe the acts of vandalism took place on the evening of Jan. 23 and are likely connected to each other. “As part of the investigation, officers will seek to identify whether this mischief was motivated by hate.”

    The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses is located at the intersection of 24 Avenue and 148 Street.


  • Rocketman123

    Its not the first time a JWS Kingdom Hall has had graffiti sprayed on it.

    Jws are still perceived as annoying people who call on people's doors early Saturday morning.

  • smiddy3

    I don`t know why the graffiti artist didn`t send them a clearer message

  • FFGhost

    People have been getting peeved by JWs for many decades, I dare say centuries.

    Kingdom Halls all over the world have been vandalized hundreds or thousands of times over the last 50-60 years.

    It's not clear why you think this particular vandal did this as a result of recently receiving a letter.

  • Biahi

    When I was a little kid, someone spray painted “Jehovah’s witnesses suck” on the street in front of my grandparents house. Of course, this was “persecution “, and therefore proved that it was “the truth”. SMH.

  • jhine

    If they have been told to only write to people they know then I'm not sure that they are sticking to that. I do know a few JWs but not the lady who wrote to me . That isn't their normal style is it ? The family who live 3 doors down from me are Witnesses but they nor any other of the local JWs canvas this area when they are door knocking. They seem to deliberately target areas where they don't live . I suppose because it would be awkward to live cheek by jowel with someone who has told you to " go forth and multiply " . Or worse living close by someone who has managed to put doubts into your mind . The elders wouldn't like that would they ?


  • lssjr


    It is true that Kingdom Halls all over the world have been vandalized hundreds or thousands of times over the last 50-60 years.

    However, this act happened last month during the pandemic after Jehovah's Witnesses had suspended their door-to-door public witnessing since last year.

    The person who did this was most likely harassed by JWs either by letter or telephone witnessing. I find it hard to believe that any random resident with do this.

  • Rocketman123
    I find it hard to believe that any random resident with do this.

    Teenagers pent up in the homes, where their parents have repeatedly stated oh those annoying JWS are here again.

    Not really

  • Overrated

    From the writing on the wall, someone had enough of the JW letters that they where getting. I would just dump a bag of them at the steps of the kingdom hall.

  • Diogenesister

    “Hate”???? That’s utterly ridiculous. It’s the witnesses that propagate hate. It’s about time that governments cotton on to the fact these cults brainwash kids into viewing their friends and neighbours as satanic, evil and worthy of death.

    Can you imagine if a Muslim Madrassa were openly teaching such stuff to kids?? That god will soon murder all of their school friends (of other denominations) because they are controlled by Satan?!! It would be shut down in a heart beat.

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