At a regional convention today....

by Nobodyspecial 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    Nobody - "The smiles are paper thin when they see each other in hotels. The laughs forced. The conversation shallow..."

    Not to mention the oft-repeated assertions that it's the Best Convention Ever.

  • KateWild

    Welcome, Nobodyspecial

    Thank you for this thread. I totally agree with you about the thin veneer of politeness. It used to really ageivate me and I used to challenge a couple of elders wives about it. They loved their position but didn't care about the congregation and those struggling.

    Kate xx

  • zeb

    " the Best Convention Ever.." when I heard that I would think of the hours of brother drone and his clones ambling on using 100 words when 10 would do.

    best ever? boring as bat shit! I am proud of the conventions we left early (along with a lot of others) and got the kids to a park for an icecream on the way home.

  • Nobodyspecial

    Lol yea i heard that a few times as well. Best ever *yawn*

    interesting that there are NO new releases. Thats why they come to these things.... Or was.... Things they are a changin

  • DwainBowman

    Hey nobodyspecial, it has bugged me for years, the claim, they have no clergy class. I was an ms for years, and turned down the elder appointment twice, I hated the political crap, I had seen so much of, sometimes having to be careful witch elders you were friends with, or listen to. It was, and is a special privilege class!

    At the RC a month or so age, the place it was held, is old and full of some pretty steep ramps, instead of steps. A dear old sister, really hurt her knee, and can't hardly walk, and one elder, has been by to check on her!

    I remember by the end of the four day DC's, that even had evening program's, how sore your face would be from the non stop smile pasted to your face, and sore hands from hours of clapping over the dumbest things! And CA's that started on Friday, and ended Sunday night, and if Knorr or Franz, showed up, they would have the closing part, and talk way past the half hour or so listed. I remember Knott showing up one Sunday night, and he finally shut up a bit after 11 pm.

    The almost two hour lunch breaks were about the only fun to be had!

    Back in my early years, most congregation were almost family and friendships were real, we all thought 75 was coming, and the bunker mentality drew everyone together! After 75, with so many new ones having come in because of 75, the closeness really started coming apart, by the early 80's, it was mostly gone. And as the legalistic branch started taking over the Borg, the real closeness is all but gone. Everyone in a congregation used to know where everyone else lived, and seldom did you need or ask for an invite to pop in for a visit, if you were in the area!

    I could go on and on!


  • Vidiot

    Nobody - "...interesting that there are NO new releases..."


  • ab.ortega


    As I was reading this post...this part of Live High played. I wasn't paying attention but the lyrics just stood out.

  • LisaRose

    I vividly remember my last circuit assembly, as it was the loneliest I have ever felt. I realized I had nothing in common with anyone, no connection, nothing. People are made to be social, but not like that.

  • kairos
    I vividly remember my last circuit assembly, as it was the loneliest I have ever felt.

    Yes, I agree. My last one was the famous 2013 'mentally diseased apostates' RC.

    I couldn't stand to speak to anyone. I stayed in my seat each day during lunch and took a nap. Walking the endless circular corridors of the Cow Palace, pretending we all are part of a 'loving brotherhood' was out of the question.

    This ridiculous elder comes up to me, asking how I'm doing and what not. My apathy was very obvious. He said he would come and visit.
    ( he did, about six months later ).

    Looking back, most of the elders that took an 'interest' in me were from other local congregations that I had attended in Napa. ( I've attended them all ).

    They just left me, confused that I wasn't interested anymore. I'm sure my declaring that I felt as if I had wasted the last 25 years of my life troubling as well.

    One of my final meetings that I attended in my own KH, this one 'concerned elder' asked how I was. I looked him straight in the eye and said: " I'd rather not be here, to be perfectly honest with you".


    One thing I constantly reflect on to settle the pain of the shunning, is to realize that apart from a small handful of individuals, of the over 500 JWs I've known by name, since 1988, most were never my friends.

    They've always been strangers. It's a matter of perspective.

  • freddo

    Regional convention in the south of the UK this weekend ... drum roll ...

    Attendance: 3,332

    Baptised: 10

    Yes you read that right. Ten. 0.3% baptised.

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