I think if we could have a graph of how the change rate of technology has sky rocketed during the last century or perhaps the last three centuries, the point would be clearly made.
Say we had a huge graph of technological progress of man since his ability to make fire, about 600,000 years ago, we'd see that a new techno advancement in the species happened every 50,000 years or so, then doubling every so often till we reached the say 14th century then the doubling must have got into high gear, till now in the information age where light speed sets the limits. Now we have information at our finger tips and no need for making a laborious trips to library. Case in point type in Jehovah's Witnesses in any search engine.
Ignorance is in a down turn no matter how hard the Governing Body demonize higher education, the internet, and whatever.
As this younger generation with information at your finger tips becomes of age no matter how young you get them committed by being baptized, it spells doom for these clowns running this corporation. Which seems to explain there high tailing it to the boonies right on top of a chemical dump away from public view as much as possible. Maybe they might even unplug from there internet presents, or make the general public unable to listen to these clowns spouting their bullshit, by denying access to publications/<oxymoron. Bye bye cart witnessing.
The more they make themselves public the worse it is gonna get. True they are very small and not a lot of people give a shit, but child molestation issues of such magnitude are news worthy.