Each day with JW boyfriend....

by Camay 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    After a four year commitment this guy should have at least proposed marriage. Then again, if he married you, a non JW, he'd be considered spiritually weak. Hey, my hats off to the guy, if he can be in the same place as you over night and not get involved in "the business" then he's a stronger guy than I. Not that I myself approve of fornication, but was guilty of it before my marriage (with my then JW wife too). Spiritually speaking, marriage is the answer, that and getting as far away from the JW's as possible.

    I like the calling the PO deal. It will force him to commit one way or the other.

    Just my humble opinion,


    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
    Shakespere: Hamlet

  • slipnslidemaster
    Call his Kingdom Hall, ask for the Presiding Overseer. Then tell the PO that you have one of his flock sleeping and living at your apartment and ask for suggestions as to what to do with him.

    He will soon after that be DE-FLOCKED, or totally flocked, probably will be disfellowshipped and will have a swift kick in the reality check. It aint your week to watch him babe...kick his sorry ass to the curb.

    I totally agree with Lovedubs! Flock his ass!! Calling the PO would be a total get back for the 4 years you wasted.

    Flock him!

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • CPiolo


    As a non-JW married to a JW, I have found my wife's religion interferes in more ways with our relationship than I ever imagined it could. New phobias, irrational attitudes and prejudices continue to surface, even after four years or so. Some things I never imagined could be connected to her religion, but after much investigation and studying of her belief system, its methods of indoctrination and of maintaining order within the rank and file members, I have discovered a great deal. If you decide to continue your relationship with this gentleman, you are in for a long uphill battle. What you decide is ultimately up to you; what you're willing to put up with and endure no one but you knows. I would advise you to learn as much as you can about Jehovah's Witnesses and how this might effect you, your boyfriend, your relationship, and any children you might have if you decided to take that plunge. All the best.


  • Englishman


    First the name "Camay".

    Then the "Each day" reference.

    Bells are now ringing, here's the words from the old ITV soap ad:

    Camay Soap - You are in a Beauty Contest Every Day of your Life!
    You'll look a little lovelier each day, with fabulous pink Camay
    Perfume worth 9 guineas an ounce etc etc.



  • trevor


    So sad to hear of your loss. You should have taken my advice
    on your last post and carried on fornicating. JW's always put their
    religion first, cos they are scared of dying. You need a real man who
    lives for the moment and fears nothing. I hope you
    find what you're looking for - it is out there.

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