U turn on LGBT

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mikejw

    In the past JWs meeting gay people would clearly show on their faces what they were brainwashed to think.

    no way they would treat a gay couple as they would treat a straight couple.

    now this U turn changes everything, from now JWs should treat a gay couple even nicer than they would a worldly straight couple?

    we know how JWs go over the top when they get new directions from the blumbling body.

    I can see JWs going out of their way to smile and be super nice to gay people they meet!!

  • Vidiot

    That’s it, Watchtower…

    …keep neutering all the things you’ve held up for decades as hard proof you alone had “The Truth”.

    Who needs incentive to stay, anyway?

  • BluesBrother

    Had a look at this on the website and, yes it presents a softer view of gay people. The point is clearly made that they reject the behaviour, not the person. It presents the view of “ worldly” people as being intolerant and treating the gay man rudely. That may be the case in some places but my experience of working in a large office block was just the opposite.

  • Dane88

    I have all the transcripts for the "Monthly Broadcast" and "Governing Body Updates" if you want them.

    You can get them here: https://da-ip.getmyip.com/pdf/Documents/Transcripts

  • ukpimo

    I wouldn't call this a monumental U turn as the org is still gaslighting jws and sending out vague messages to be all loving and merciful towards anyone in their ministry. It's a marketing tactic, nothing more and nothing less. Once a gay or a NPG becomes a convert, they will be just as shunned if they were outted as anyone else who supported gay practices or seemed to carry gay tendencies. I have known female Witnesses say in private that they knew a guy in the truth who was gay but didn't practice it openly. Young lady, either they are gay or they're not. The NPG thing is a cover for protection within high control groups, including religion.

    Until the Governing Body openly come out and say that we do not condemn gays then that will be the U turn we are looking for, not that I'm particularly interested in the lifestyle myself. I come from a generation which didn't really discuss this topic so much.

  • Simon

    They haven't read the room very well - all the DEI pandering that were required for NGOs to get funding is going the way of the dodo.

  • JohnR1975

    So from now on we can have work or school friends who are gay?

  • HappyDad

    Dear Brothers and Sisters. We, the Governing Body have received a beacon of new light from beyond the Pleiades and are very happy to announce that that we can now "walk on the wild side". For further clarification, listen to a song by Lou Reed which you can download from YouTube.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    … And the colored girls go
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo… Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
    Doo, do-doo, do-doo, do-do-doo
  • Vidiot
    Simon - “They haven't read the room very well - all the DEI pandering that were required for NGOs to get funding is going the way of the dodo.”

    Well, considering how long it took to (quietly) dispense with the 7,000-year-long Creative Days, is this really that surprising? 🤨

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