I recently started working at a Goodwill here in Wisconsin, and I've never encountered more Witnesses ever in my life. Every time I go to work, I see at least two or three people that I used to go to the kingdom hall with getting suits, dresses, etc. Some of them say hi, but some of them I just ignore, or they ignore me. I'm working this job but I dont think I plan on sticking around for long because I keep encountering so many witnesses. Or maybe I just need to move to a different area.
Goodwill stores: A gathering place for Jehovahs Witnesses.
by Joliette 16 Replies latest jw friends
Considering how poor jws are this is not surprising. Yes get a new job somewhere rizty, you won't see any jws there. -
James Mixon
i bet you have a ton of polyester suits in stock, JW heavenly store. But what will
happen if an Apostate donated his old suits to the Goodwill and a JW purchase it.
Will he be attack by demons.
Reading your OP, I am suffering a JW polyester and crimplene attack. Please, where is the good-taste dispenser when I need it!
So that's where all those faded prairie skirts and baggy polyester suits are coming from. Well, I guess this is to be expected when most of these folks are cleaning offices and washing windows for a living. Meanwhile, we hear about GB members running around in expensive suits and sporting expensive watches... -
They have Goodwill parties and gatherings. I'm like what is the deal with shopping at the Goodwill?????? -
Growing up in the 1980's, my mother was the only one with full-time employment. We didn't have all of these discount stores that we have now such as Wal*Mart, Kohl's, Value City, Big Lots, TJ Maxx, or similar. We had the standard mall with Sears, JC Penney, Montgomery Ward, Sears, Hills, Ames, Sears. Then, because we were so poor, we had the various Goodwill Stores. Guess where I got my Kingdom Hall clothes, AND school clothes? Yeah, Goodwill. The humiliation I felt at school and the KH was enough to make me vow even as a child, that I would do better with my life, have a good job, be able to afford to get NEW clothes that were in style, fit properly, etc. My son has NEVER had to even enter a Goodwill, much less have clothes from one. But don't get me wrong, with so many "value" options out there, I can now make out like a bandit! I would have KILLED to have a TJ Maxx, Gabriel Bros, or a Kohl's while I was growing up. The deals there are incredible! Anyone living in the Northeast USA knows what I'm talking about. And Macy's, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, etc? I didn't enter those stores until I was 20 years old and own my own visiting King of Prussia in Philadelphia. What a shopping Mecca! Then I went to NYC, and Chicago, and Hong Kong. Wow. -
In order to afford Starbucks poor Jws must economize on clothes and other essentials found at Good Will stores. -
Growing up, we were so poor we would have thought "Star-bucks" was what Angels used to pay back Jesus sacrifice. Coffee breaks were at McD's. How many JW's can afford Starbucks? Some of you really are in the "elite" congregations. Freakin' Starbucks! Ha! McD's was about all anyone could afford where I grew up, and you were damn glad to get that instead of gas station coffee. -
Guilty as charged, Joliette. I buy clothes for working in at Goodwill. Who cares if they get dirty? They only costed $2.