Do You Condemn Anti-Semitism?

by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty
    The anti-semitism smears against the Labour Party seem motivated more by a desire to keep it out of Government, than any search for truth - Phizzy

    Then why are most of the accusations of anti-semitism coming from Labour party members including senior members of Parliamentary Labour Party?

  • MeanMrMustard
    It boils down to resentment.

    Oh, so it’s less like the flat earth conspiracy and more like the institutional racism argument, except for whites.

    Groups who are anti-semitic are nearly always bosom-buddies with Islam. The Nazis being the classic example but you see a watered down version of it with Corbyn's Labor and the Democrats who have made "loving Islam" part of their anti-trump platform.

    Exactly the reason I don’t understand white supremacists being categorized as on the right. The Nazis are on the left.

  • dogisgod

    Of course, however, I do not back the Netanyahu or his eradication of Palestinians.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    If your neighbors start shooting at your house regularly it might be wise to invest in Kevlar and bullet resistant glass. If the nearby residents then acquire high caliber riffles and machine guns it would probably be a good idea to upgrade to ceramic plating and transparent aluminium. If your neighbors begin lobbing RPGs your way it might be wise to replace your fence with an earthen berm. And if they start launching mortars and rockets at you . . . well there comes a point where enough is just enough.

    I think we can all agree that after forty years - the "two state solution" has failed both inceptively and accumulatively. It is long past time for Hamas and any other genocidal leaning Palestine to be served their eviction notice. Either make nice with the Jews or find somewhere else to practice your murdering psychopathy.

  • Phizzy

    " Then why are most of the accusations of anti-semitism coming from Labour party members including senior members of Parliamentary Labour Party?" Cofty above.

    Most accusations have come from outside the Party if you look at the numbers, and if you are referring to the likes of Hodge and Watson then you are naive in the extreme, they both have an agenda, and have their accusations been upheld by Jenny Formby ?

  • Simon

    Just imagine if Trump went to a memorial service with KKK leaders celebrating the deaths of black people. Just imagine how people would lose their shit over it.

    Now imagine people saying "but really, where's the evidence ... and is it just external people saying it ..."

    You'd rightly think there were nuts.

    This is Corbyn: celebrating the terrorist murdering of Israeli athletes with current terrorist leaders and then claiming that has been misunderstood and overblown.

    Seriously people, if you are trying to defend or obfuscate this crap there is something wrong with you - you are an anti-semitic racist piece of crap.

    If you feel the need to criticize Israel but object to criticism of other countries that do far far worse things, then you are an anti-semitic racist piece of crap.

    You may not realize you are. It's "in vogue" to be critical of Israel. You earn social-justice points for doing it with all your leftist friends. That's because they are anti-semitic racist pieces of crap.

    Educate yourself on the reality of politics and the palestinians and who wants people and who doesn't, who regularly murders people and celebrates the murders and who doesn't. Don't chose to be an anti-semitic racist piece of crap.

  • Phizzy

    Simon, are you calling me anti-semitic ? on the above grounds you have stated ? I am not racist in any way, I only recognize one race, the human race, and I criticize the Israeli Government only when it acts in contravention of International Law, and when it clearly acts like an Apartheid regime, but I criticize Hamas and Isis and any group that similarly uses violence to achieve its ends.

    I think you misunderstood what I said to Cofty, he was using the argument that the anti-semitic claims against the Labour Party must be true, because "most" came from within the Party, this is neither true nor proof of the veracity of the claims.

    Any Racism is to be condemned for the noxious nonsense and hateful propaganda that it is. Corbyn explained his presence at the Memorial and his stance, but maybe you just read headlines ? Is he lying in his explanation ? What is the truth of the matter ?

    Anti-semitism is present constantly it seems, has been for centuries, and needs stamping out, as does Islamophobia, but this does not mean we cannot criticize Islamic, Jewish, or any regime. There is a difference between criticism and Racism.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Corbyn explained his presence at the Memorial ... Is he lying in his explanation ? What is the truth of the matter ? - the memorial was to honour terrorists who killed Israeli athletes - innocent (Israeli) citizens ... and Corbyn was there, with a wreath in his hand.

    He wasn't at the funeral or memorial of the slaughtered Israeli athletes, he attended the memorial of one of their killers.

    That's the truth of the matter, however Corbyn tries to spin it.

    The innocent athletes were targeted because they happened to be citizens of the world's only Jewish state.

    It's reasonable to conclude that anti-Semitism is connected to this episode.

  • Phizzy

    Corbyns explanation : “I was there because I wanted to see a fitting memorial to everyone who has died in every terrorist incident everywhere.

    “Because we have to end it. You cannot pursue peace by a cycle of violence, the only way you can pursue peace [is] by a cycle of dialogue.”

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Corbyns explanation : “I was there because I wanted to see a fitting memorial to everyone who has died in every terrorist incident everywhere.

    “Because we have to end it. You cannot pursue peace by a cycle of violence, the only way you can pursue peace [is] by a cycle of dialogue.” - this crap from Corbyn doesn't wash with me.

    The fact is that Corbyn was present, wreath in hand, at a memorial of a terrorist but he at no time attended a funeral or memorial of the slaughtered athletes.

    Says it all really.

    Edit: and why should the dead terrorist even have "a fitting memorial"?

    Why didn't Corbyn attend a funeral/memorial of the ones who actually deserved a fitting memorial - the dead athletes?

    (As far as I can tell, Corbyn seems to be drawing a false equivalence between the deaths of the innocent athletes and the death of the terrorist, one of the murderers.)

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