Comments You Won't Hear at the 5-11-03 WT Study

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Pretty weak article this Sunday. But it seems that mildness is lacking in the "true congregation" mostly likely among the elders and between the elders and COs.


    April 1, 2003 Watchtower


    Colossians 3:12 (Snippet)

    Colossians 3 (NIV)

    12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

    WT quotes are in


    Review statements are in black or parentheses


    When you think of mildness (or gentleness in most other translations), what do you think of? While the scripture talks about "clothing" oneself with this quality, is it meant to only be a surface quality? Have you encountered people who act mild on the outside when there is an audience but then when they have you alone, abuse you verbally?

    The WTS certainly puts forth this understanding:

    The original (Greek) term describes, not outward gentleness or meekness, but inward mildness and graciousness; not the manner of one’s behavior, but the condition of one’s mind and heart.

    How it can be acquired and manifested in all our dealings

    Remember too that this must be manifest in conjunction with the other qualities mentioned in the scripture citation: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

    Can a Christian truly be mild without compassion, kindness, humility and patience?


    In reference to Adam and Eve’s sin:

    He (Jehovah) did not harshly write off the human family as totally incorrigible and unredeemable.

    So when JWs go from door to door and look at the non-JW householders, do they have God’s viewpoint? Have they written them off as unredeemable? How could they be doing this? By not preparing well to be convincing and persuasive; by not being diligent to call when people are most likely to be home; by not calling back diligently on those who seem to show interest; by not buying out time to save people from a destruction they say is very near soon, by limiting themselves by a set number of hours to report rather than what their heart motivates them to do. How do they do this with each other in the congregation? By not talking to some they view as spiritually weak, only talking to those that can advance their spiritual career, by only socializing those with similar economic and educational backgrounds? I have seen all this too often and for too many years.

    Only God and Jesus are ever talking about as having the ability to discern people’s heart conditions. But have you seen elders or individuals who think they can, even reading people’s minds and motivations? They are going beyond the abilities God has given humans and are not showing Godlike mildness.


    Jesus did not condemn those in Capernaum who rejected him as hopeless but was moved with pity (related to mildness).

    Do we condemn others as hopeless? JWs do this every time they wish for the end to come now. They are wishing for the death of every non-JW who is not a baptized JW. How can you have a mild spirit or be gentle when wishing for the death of over 6 billion people including little babies in arms?

    How did Jesus treat his disciples when they made mistakes, some of them many times? Did he yell at them, humiliate them, condemn them as hopeless, label them as weak, avoid associating with them so he wouldn’t be contaminated spiritually?


    Moses had been brought up in the household of Pharaoh. He had economic and educational opportunities that the other Israelites did not have. They lived as slaves but he as a prince. He observed the injustices but tried to right the wrongs before it was time. He went into exile to save his life but God did not reject him because of his actions. (Side note: Moses although not under the Law knew from the feelings of Abraham and Isaac who sought wives for their sons from fellow worshipers, that God would have preferred that he marry an Israelite, yet nothing is every said by God to Moses about marrying out of his religion.)

    Yet, Moses was not always mild. Only one time he failed to direct glory to God when he provided water at Meribah.

    One one occasion Moses’ mildness seems to have failed him.

    Why "seems"? Is the WTS trying to rewrite the Bible. Obviously, it was more than "seems" to God who forbade Moses the privilege of entering the Promised Land. Is it "seems" because the WTS/FDS/GB who patterns itself after Moses doesn’t want anyone to think they are capable of failing to show mildness and receive a similar punishment from God?


    The WTS states:

    Upon learning Bible truth, however, we changed and became more pleasant and agreeable.

    If that is the case, many JWs I have known must have been extremely unpleasant and disagreeable before baptism because they are still pains in the rear. It is only a surface change done for an audience: the brother who gives the kind, mild public talk that you hear beating his child in the restroom, telling him he is worthless; the sister who slaps her daughter out in service in the car; the baptized teenage son who uses the "f" word when told he has to do his homework before he can go with his friends.

    When you are only trying to please people, these personality changes are only surface. When you are trying to please an unseen God, who hears and sees everything, and you really love, then it is the way you are all the time, even if people will never know.

    Peering into God’s Word and meditating…to take a fresh and objective look at ourselves.

    That’s right, look at ourselves, not others. Not making comparisons and judgments. The only heart we can know a little bit is our own, and not too successfully at that.


    The next week’s article tries to give some current, practical examples of how JWs should show mildness. I find it hard to believe that any real changes can be made in a performance-based religion like JWs. Once people realize that God’s grace and love cannot be earned, real mildness/gentleness can be shown. There will be no limit to expressing this quality since there is not quantity that will qualify us for God’s forgiveness and love.


  • Gopher
    Upon learning Bible truth, we became more pleasant and agreeable.

    Only to those who are pleasant and agreeable to them!! If you ever challenge a JW on their doctrine, if you really hold their feet to the fire, do they retain their mildness?

    "We became more pleasant and agreeable" is such a whitewash, such a lie. Once the JW's learn the Watchtower version of truth, they're whipped into submission. If they don't remain submissive to their elders and their organization, the elders can become very unpleasant and disagreeable toward such persons.

    I remember a quote from the "United in True Worship" book -- maybe Blondie you can find it. It was along the lines of "there is no backbiting in Jehovah's organization". What a bunch of public relations B.S.!! The ones who do the most backbiting seem to be some of the elder's wives (who enjoy their prominence) and some of the pioneers, who have a lot of time to kill while out in the ministry with others and seem to enjoy, shall we say, "talking about others" in the congregation.

    I enjoyed your comment about the JW's being a performance-based religion. The attitude is a competitive one -- as in what have you done for Jehovah (i.e., the organization) lately? If not as much as others, well then you're weak! Can mildness along with the other qualities Paul mentioned thrive in such harsh soil?

    I would say that often, those who were viewed as weaker (less competitive) in the congregations were actually the most mild and pleasant companions.

  • jgnat

    Blondie, I love your question:

    Can a Christian truly be mild without compassion, kindness, humility and patience?

    This is a fairly mild article to be sure. I found one sentence that grated.

    para. 8 If we sincerely clothe ourselves with mildness, then we will be among those “to whom the Son is willing to reveal” his Father. - Matthew 11:27-29.

    (bold is mine)

    At that time Jesus made answer and said, I give praise to you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have kept these things secret from the wise and the men of learning, and have made them clear to little children. Yes, Father, for so it was pleasing in your eyes. All things have been given to me by my Father; and no one has knowledge of the Son, but the Father; and no one has knowledge of the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will make it clear. Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls; Matthew 11:25-29 BBE

    The WT gets it backwards again. Here they imply that one has to be mild to come close to the Father. Instead, Jesus invites us to come to him, and promises that by doing so, we will become like him! Mildness is a byproduct, then, of the Christian life, not a condition.

    All the WT has to do to get the guilt train rolling, is suggest to a follower who angry at the failed promises and is not feeling mild at all, that it is his own lack of sincerity that is keeping him from Jehovah.

    If an elder mildly tells a disfellowshipped one, “six more months”, and that DF’d one reacts with anger, the elder can still sleep at night, knowing that it was that “weak one’s” own fault. He was obviously not sincere enough.

  • blondie


    remember a quote from the "United in True Worship" book -- maybe Blondie you can find it. It was along the lines of "there is no backbiting in Jehovah's organization".

    Actually, I could not find the word "backbiting" in the United book but I did find this quote in the Look brochure:

    Look Brochure p. 28

    As you associate with Jehovah’s organization, you will find the atmosphere very different from that of temples and churches. There is no soliciting of money, no backbiting or quarreling, and no discrimination because of family background or financial standing. The most outstanding quality among Jehovah’s Witnesses is love. First, they love Jehovah, and second, they love other people. These are marks of true Christians. (Matthew 22:37-39; John 13:35) You should attend their meetings and confirm this for yourself. No doubt you will be impressed by their unity.

    My mother-in-law (non-JW) pointed this out to me and asked if this was true. She was well aware of the unchristlike behavior of my JW family towards me. All I could say at the time was that it meant as a group, but that individuals could fail just as in the early Christian congregation. Boy, did I feel like a hypocrite when I said that. But now I am out and so is her son, my husband, and all is forgiven.


    Good catch on that being phrased to place guilt on the JW.

    Mildness is a byproduct, then, of the Christian life, not a condition.

    And of course, the elders determine if that quality is being shown, taking the position of judge away from Christ. But of course, the FDS is Christ's replacement here on earth according to the WTS and they place themselves and the only channel to God.


  • gitasatsangha

    Doesn't it feel kinda wierd, studyign the watchtower at this point? (just browsing over the thread)

  • yesidid

    Thanks Blondie,

    You are so perceptive. Just love the way you can skim through an article and get the message behind the message. I sit here in stunned amazement as I recall my naiveté as a Witness. I used just open my mind and let it all pour in.

    Having said that, I am not of the persuasion that just because a thought emanates from the WTS it is automatically garbage. In fact I am, and always will be, very grateful for the Bible principles I learned as a child via the WTS. It's just a shame it took me so long to sort the good from the bad.

    Thanks again Blondie I look forward to your WT reviews and appreciate your sorting process.


  • Maverick

    Thanks again Blondie for getting dirty for us. Sifting through the trash, as it were. I look forward to your posts. I have a few friends that go to the meetings and make all the appearances but don't really believe all their crap. Your posts give me points to share with these people. I have found that the brothers who appear the meekest were all the fakest. How's that? Maverick

  • Soledad
    Is it "seems" because the WTS/FDS/GB who patterns itself after Moses doesn’t want anyone to think they are capable of failing to show mildness and receive a similar punishment from God?

    oooooh now that has got to hurt! Dont we already know it, that the FDS is perfect, that they don't ever make mistakes, and if they do they dont admit it? Dont we know that the are gods sole channel of communication here on Earth? To disobey the FDS means to disobey god?

    good review Blondie thanks a million!

  • BluesBrother

    A rather bland article and one that that does not have too much to pick holes in, after all, the quality of mildness is highly important.

    Yesidid. I agree that we have some things that were beneficial from being in the org. A knowlege of the Bible, the ability to study, and the confidence to stand before an audience and speak are three that come to mind.

    My only take is this. Despite the lofty ideals of the articles how do they treat mild "Brothers"? How many P.O's or C.O.s do you know that can be said to be really mild? Mild mannered men are usually overlooked in favour of "Type A" personalities who push themselves forward.

  • blondie

    Doesn't it feel kinda wierd, studyign the watchtower at this point? (just browsing over the thread)

    Actually, I posted on a previous review, that I will only be posting reviews through June 22 when my access to current WTS ended due to lack of meeting attendance. It has been getting hard. I will be commenting on some information from 2 books on spiritual abuse that are succinct and to the point. I am hoping that people still attending will see these behaviors in their own congregations and see the danger to themselves. If not, then those of us who have escaped can see the face of spiritual abuse and if we encounter it in another religious setting, will know to run away from it.

    Hi yesidid,

    Having said that, I am not of the persuasion that just because a thought emanates from the WTS it is automatically garbage.

    The important thing to remember is it from the Bible, making sure it is in context and not misapplied. I will be posting later some Bible verses that are misused to make Christians follow the person rather than the Bible. The only authority for a Christian is the Bible and they don’t need another person to interpret it for them.


    I have found that the brothers who appear the meekest were all the fakest. How's that?

    In order to fake it, you must avoid calling attention to yourself. Those who are loud and abrasive take center stage and all eyes are on them. I always think of sleight of hand where the trick to divert attention from the point where the trick is really happening.


    Dont we already know it, that the FDS is perfect, that they don't ever make mistakes, and if they do they dont admit it?

    Elsewhere on this board someone pointed out that people will admit to nonspecific mistakes but get defensive when a specific case is pointed out. Yes, we are all imperfect, but don’t get specific so we can actually correct our mistakes.


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