The OP seems to be very confused. Are you really buying into this Biblical mumbo jumbo? This is just nuts.
When do the 2300 days begin?
by Kosonen 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
I recall a previous life when numerology was so exciting.
I prefer my current life where new things I learn about the real world inspire me every day.
Did you skip your meds?
Half banana
Kosonen were you aware the the book of Daniel was written in the Hellenistic Classical period as a historical novel about ancient Babylon? He wrote a good yarn like Dan Brown might write today.
There is no such thing as useful prophecy! The Bible was compiled as a political tool by Roman power for Roman unity. It's so full of errors, contradictions, unreliable history and hype that it's really not worth too much attention.
'Holiness' is a human construct used by religious leaders to enslave the herd.
Fortunately there are accurate and useful sources of information very much worth reading and readily available.
And how to correlate Mr. Kosonen's logic and assessment with Jesus utterance that no one knows the day or hour.....
That is simple, Jesus spoke that we can not pinpoint the day or hour of his coming back to gather the anointed to heaven.
According to my assesment the end of the 2300 days and 42 months and 1260 days could be January 10, 2024. But after that the Bible says there will be something special 30 days later on the 1290th day and also on the 1335th day. But the Bible does not tell what exactly will happen at those days. But according to the prophecies after the 1260 days the UN should be empowered. Could it happen at the 1290th day? And then Babylon the Great should be taken out. Could that happen the 1335th day?
And only at some day after Babylon the Great is taken out, Jesus will come and send his angels to gather the remaining sealed anointed to heaven. In that case, there will not be any specific date to look for when that happens or when the attack of Gog from Magog would happen.
Let me save you some time & effort spent typing all this folderol out...
Instead of all the numerology mumbo-jumbo, just say it is coming "soon", "very soon now", "imminently", etc. No need for complex calculations, and it has the added bonus of not being falsifiable.
Even the Watchtower, dumb as they are, has figured this out by now.
"Instead of all the numerology mumbo-jumbo, just say it is coming "soon", "very soon now", "imminently", etc. No need for complex calculations, and it has the added bonus of not being falsifiable."
No, because I am full of expectation to see if something interesting will happen up to July 29 this year. Because this could be the beginning of the 1260 days.
And the events in the world because of the Covid-19 pandemic could really be a run up to everything that the 1260 day period encompasses.
Half banana
Kosonen, let's put your theory into context. Do you think that an all knowing and loving creator would give his devotees this extremely obscure information which only you and possibly a handful of others have figured out?
If your children were stuck in some godless labyrinth, all about to die and desperately wanting to escape; would you give them cryptic mathematical clues -- which may or may not work?
Of course not, you would be very specific because you love your children!
You have been away from the JW business now for at least 12 years but dare I say that you are still infected with the JW 'end time' mentality trap. And the world is not going to end! And Covid 19 is just a small blip in the history of pandemics, far, far worse have visited mankind and the world trundled on.
I say this with genuine concern for you because like nearly everyone else on this site.... we were all deluded and snagged on Armageddon and paradise. It's a fantasy!
We looked to the Bible as an authority and we looked to the JW organisation as being divinely guided. Sorry to say, BOTH of these 'authorities' are intellectually unsustainable.
And the events in the world because of the Covid-19 pandemic could really be a run up to everything that the 1260 day period encompasses.
So the bible foretold that a guy would eat a diseased riddled bat which would start a worldwide virus pandemic ?
Cool I've got to start reading the bible again or maybe its just that people who suffer from delusional paranoia are spouting things out which have no basis in cognitive reality ?