Correct me if I'm wrong but about the same time this was activated was when the wt. Came out with the "we may receive instructions that may not seem practical from a human standpoint". And it has been emphasized greatly regarding covid measures that "we must obey the superior authorities". So would the organization send it's people to fema camps to save their real estate empire and 501c status?
I'm not into conspiracy theories, but Google FEMA clergy response team. Would WT. throw the R&F under the bus to save it's own skin
by nowwhat? 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nothing surprises me at this time. WT will always look after it's own interest there 501c3 tax free status and their reality holdenings. They can care less for the rank and file.
First I had to google FEMA camps, but I’m still confused how or why Watchtower would “send its people” there.
I'm not into conspiracy theories but .... (insert outrageous conspiracy theory here)
It's hard to come up with a scenario where some property-owning religious groups is allowed to keep their property, and wealth, while somehow society has deteriorated to the point that people are being sent to "camps" (which I assume you think are some spooky government controlled gulag, and not disaster recovery which is what FEMA do)
Correct me if I'm wrong
but about the same time this was activated was when the wtSandy, but if I kill all the golfers they'll lock me up and throw away the key. -
Ok ok I just threw it out there but fema did recruit. Over 100k pastors to shepherd their flocks into these camps if the need arises
P.s. it's a hell a lot better than these recent posts- "what do you think about chocolate milk?"
I've been hearing about secret govenment camps as long as I can remember. The people to be rounded up keeps changing, the surrounding story stays the same.
First it was going to be communists, then African-Americans, then anti-vietnam protesters, then hippies, then neo-nazis, then the KKK, then Republicans...
Sigfrid Mallozzi
I thought all the closed Walmarts were going to be used for camps.