PHOEBE- Excellent experience, thanks for sharing. I don't know how long you have been out of the JW organization , but the caution Desirous of Change mentioned is in order only if you care what JW's think of you . If you are totally out and not trying to keep any JW relationships- - then yeah - by all means keep assisting this JW lady and help her to see the corruption and crimes happening within the WT organization. Great job ! Keep it up ! I feel as time goes by more and more JW's are going to start waking up after people of the real world start throwing the WT child abuse in their face.
The Internet is chalk full of quotes, you tubes, and information indicting WT leaders about their negligence regarding child abuse. The more JW's are informed about this- all the better ! Great job Phoebe ! Keep it up ! And a big thanks to Pete Zahut for finding that Stephen Lett you tube with his weird statement regarding child abuse